It is based on the TODO-MVP-Loaders sample and uses a Content Provider to retrieve data to the repository.
//TODO finish README
The advantages of Loaders, from the Loaders documentation page, are:
- They provide asynchronous loading of data, removing the need for callbacks in the repository.
- They monitor the source of their data and deliver new results when the content changes, in our case, the repository.
- They automatically reconnect to the last loader when being recreated after a configuration change.
The Loaders (TaskLoader and TasksLoader) are responsible for fetching the data and extend AsyncTaskLoader.
In src/data/source/
public List<Task> loadInBackground() {
return mRepository.getTasks();
The results are received in the UI Thread, handled by the presenter.
public void onLoadFinished(Loader<List<Task>> loader, List<Task>
data) {
mCurrentTasks = data;
if (mCurrentTasks == null) {
} else {
The presenter also triggers the loading the data, like in the MVP sample but in this case it does it through the LoaderManager:
public void start() {
mLoaderManager.initLoader(TASKS_QUERY, null, this);
After every content change in the repository, notifyContentObserver()
is called.
In src/data/source/
public void deleteTask(@NonNull String taskId) {
// Update the UI
This notifies the Loader which in this case simply forces a reload of data.
public void onTasksChanged() {
if (isStarted()) {
This project uses the Loaders framework available from Android 3.0 (API Level 11).
No external frameworks.
Developers need to be familiar with the Loaders framework, which is not trivial.
The use of the Loaders framework adds a big dependency with the Android framework so unit testing is harder.
No difference with MVP.
Compared to MVP, the only new classes are TaskLoader and TasksLoader. Parts of the code are simpler as Loaders take care of the asynchronous work.
Language files blank comment code
Java 48 1085 1444 3517 (3450 in MVP)
XML 34 97 337 601
SUM: 82 1182 1781 4118
Similar to MVP
Medium as the Loaders framework is not trivial.