- Download the BlenderAddon and install the Blender.
- Install the Addon in Blender:
Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> install -> select ROMP/romp/exports/blender_mocap.py
Click to active the 'Real Time Mocap' add-on. - Run the ROMP webcam demo code:
sh scripts/webcam_blender.sh
Currently, this function can only export the motion of a single person at each time. Therefore, please test it with demo/videos/sample_video2_results/sample_video2.mp4
, whose results would be saved to demo/videos/sample_video2_results
- Prepare the data:
Please register at this link and download the SMPL_unity_v.1.0.0.zip from SMPL for Unity.
Then set the path of the downloaded files at convert_fbx.py. For example,
male_model_path = '/home/yusun/Desktop/unity/SMPL_unity_v.1.0.0/smpl/Models/SMPL_m_unityDoubleBlends_lbs_10_scale5_207_v1.0.0.fbx'
female_model_path = '/home/yusun/Desktop/unity/SMPL_unity_v.1.0.0/smpl/Models/SMPL_f_unityDoubleBlends_lbs_10_scale5_207_v1.0.0.fbx'
You can also choose the gender of animated model via setting gender=male
or gender=female
- Install the Blender:
Generally, Blender 2.91 can be installed following this instructions via:
pip install bpy && bpy_post_install
With python 3.7, you can easily install via
pip install https://github.com/TylerGubala/blenderpy/releases/download/v2.91a0/bpy-2.91a0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl && bpy_post_install
- Run the code:
cd ROMP/
python export/convert_fbx.py --input=demo/videos/sample_video2_results/sample_video2_results.npz --output=demo/videos/sample_video2.fbx --gender=female
4.Open the fbx animation in Blender:
File -> Import -> FBX(.fbx)
Now, you can display the estimated animation in Blender via pushing the play button at the bottom.