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Reconfigure the application to use the appropriate connection string and validate that the application is working
You will initiate a database cutover in Azure DMS You will reconfigure the application to use a connection string that points to the Azure DB for PostgreSQL/MySQL. You will need to update the ContosoPizza/values-mysql.yaml or ContosoPizza/values-postgresql.yaml values file with the updated values for dataSourceURL, dataSourceUser and dataSourcePassword using the appropriate Azure DB values for PostgreSQL/MySQL:
dataSourceURL: "jdbc url goes here" # your JDBC connection string goes here
dataSourceUser: "user name goes here" # your database username goes here
dataSourcePassword: "Password goes here!" # your database password goes here
Once you make your changes, you will need to run a helm upgrade command to see the changes reflected:
helm upgrade --install mysql-contosopizza ./ContosoPizza -f ./ContosoPizza/values.yaml -f ./ContosoPizza/values-mysql.yaml
To deploy the app backed by PostgreSQL, run the following command after you have edited the values file to match your desired database type
helm upgrade --install postgres-contosopizza ./ContosoPizza -f ./ContosoPizza/values.yaml -f ./ContosoPizza/values-postgresql.yaml
- You have validated that the Pizzeria applications (one for PostgreSQL and one for MySQL) are working with the configuration change
- You can update the value of column "name" in table "ingredients" for any row with your favorite pizza flavor and it shows up on the Pizzeria web page