rust-rbatis-generator Public
a simple vscode plugin can generate rbatis data struct
RuoYi-Vue3 Public
Forked from yangzongzhuan/RuoYi-Vue3🎉 (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue3 & Vite、Element Plus 的前后端分离权限管理系统
Vue MIT License UpdatedFeb 12, 2024 -
puzzle Public
Forked from CyberFei/puzzleA pluggable micro-frontend structure based on Vue and Webpack4. 基于 Vue 和 Webpack4 的可热插拔式微前端架构
Vue MIT License UpdatedDec 19, 2019 -
sofa-jarslink Public
Forked from sofastack/sofa-jarslinkJarslink is a sofa ark plugin used to manage multi-application deployment
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 27, 2019 -
mint-ui Public
Forked from ElemeFE/mint-uiMobile UI elements for Vue.js
Vue MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2019 -
Romantic Public
Forked from drjinying/RomanticWeb front end for programmers to show romantic
JavaScript UpdatedSep 22, 2016 -
MaterialPageStateLayout Public
Forked from Syehunter/MaterialPageStateLayoutPageStateLayout could let you show [Loading][Empty][Error][Succeed][Requesting] state in Activity, Fragment, ViewGroup as you want.
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 18, 2016 -
impress.js Public
Forked from impress/impress.jsIt's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 25, 2015 -
volley-extensions Public
Forked from naver/volley-extensionsVolley Extensions v2.0.0. ( Volleyer, Volley requests, Volley caches, Volley custom views )
Java UpdatedFeb 6, 2015 -
enroscar Public
Forked from stanfy/enroscarA set of Android tools that facilitate apps development
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 12, 2014 -
SlidingMenu Public
Forked from jfeinstein10/SlidingMenuAn Android library that allows you to easily create applications with slide-in menus. You may use it in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app. Th…
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 25, 2013 -
android-pulltorefresh Public
Forked from johannilsson/android-pulltorefreshThis project aims to provide a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android.