This folder presents several several reinforcement learning benchmarks for training traffic lights and autonomous vehicles in a variety of mixed-autonomy traffic settings.
For a detailed description of each benchmark, we refer the user to the Flow Benchmarks paper (see Citing Flow Benchmarks). At a higher level, the traffic benchmarks presented in here are as follows:
Figure eight (optimizing intersection capacity): A portion of vehicles are treated as CAVs with the objective of regulating the flow of vehicles through the intersection of a figure eight in order to improve system-level velocities.
13 humans, 1 CAV, S=(28,), A=(1,), T=1500.flow.benchmarks.figureeight1
7 humans, 7 CAVs, S=(28,), A=(7,), T=1500.flow.benchmarks.figureeight2
0 human, 14 CAVs, S=(28,), A=(14,), T=1500.
Merge (controlling shockwaves from on-ramp merges): In a mixed-autonomy setting, a percentage of vehicles in the main highway of a merge network are tasked with the objective of dissipating the formation and propagation of stop-and-go waves from locally observable information.
10% CAV penetration rate, S=(25,), A=(5,), T=750.flow.benchmarks.merge1
25% CAV penetration rate, S=(65,), A=(13,), T=750.flow.benchmarks.merge2
33.3% CAV penetration rate, S=(85,), A=(17,), T=750.
Traffic Light Grid (improving traffic signal timing schedules): Traffic lights in a an idealized representation of a city with a grid-like structure such as Manhattan are controlled in intervals of 2 seconds, with the objective of minimizing delays for drivers.
3x3 traffic light grid (9 traffic lights), inflow = 300 veh/hour/lane S=(339,), A=(9,), T=400.flow.benchmarks.grid1
5x5 traffic light grid (25 traffic lights), inflow = 300 veh/hour/lane S=(915,), A=(25,), T=400.
Bottleneck (maximizing throughput in a bottleneck structure): The goal of this problem is to learn to avoid the capacity drop that is characteristic to bottleneck structures in transportation networks, and maximize the total outflow in a mixed-autonomy setting.
4 lanes, inflow = 2500 veh/hour, 10% CAV penetration, no vehicles are allowed to lane change, S=(141,), A=(20,), T=1000.flow.benchmarks.bottleneck1
4 lanes, inflow = 2500 veh/hour, 10% CAV penetration, the human drivers follow the standard lane changing model in the simulator, S=(141,), A=(20,), T=1000.flow.benchmarks.bottleneck2
8 lanes, inflow = 5000 veh/hour, 10% CAV penetration, no vehicles are allowed to lane change, S=(281,), A=(40,), T=1000.
All benchmarks presented here are compatible with OpenAI gym in order to promote integration with the majority of training algorithms currently being developed by the RL community. The below code snippet presents a sample method for importing and training the presented benchmarks on a dummy RL algorithm. Techniques of running the benchmarks may vary from algorithm, however, and we provide specific executable implementations of the benchmarks on the RL library RLlib in the folder flow/benchmarks/rllib/.
# import an RL algorithm for training
from foo import myAlgorithm
# import the experiment-specific parameters from flow.benchmarks
from flow.benchmarks.figureeight0 import flow_params
# import the make_create_env to register the environment with OpenAI gym
from flow.utils.registry import make_create_env
if __name__ == "__main__":
# the make_create_env function produces a method that can be used to
# generate parameterizable gym environments that are compatible with Flow.
# This method will run both "register" and "make" (see gym documentation).
# If these are supposed to be run within your algorithm/library, we
# recommend referring to the make_create_env source code in
# flow/utils/
create_env, env_name = make_create_env(flow_params, version=0)
# create and register the environment with OpenAI Gym
env = create_env()
# setup the algorithm with the traffic environment. This may be either by
# specifying the environment's name or the env variable created by the
# create_env() method
alg = myAlgorithm(env_name=env_name)
If you use the following benchmarks for academic research, you are highly encouraged to cite our paper:
Vinitsky, E., Kreidieh, A., Le Flem, L., Kheterpal, N., Jang, K., Wu, F., ... & Bayen, A. M. (2018, October). Benchmarks for reinforcement learning in mixed-autonomy traffic. In Conference on Robot Learning (pp. 399-409).
script will run each benchmark over all runners specified in the rllib folder on EC2,
allowing a user to quickly start instances that will validate their changes (serves as regression tests for Flow).