Download truffle v4.1.0 or up
npm install -g truffle
Download ganache client
- Quick summary Repository for BitBrackets Smart Contracts repositories 0.0.1
*Working with Truffle cd into your working directory. From there, you can run truffle compile, truffle migrate and truffle test to compile your contracts, deploy those contracts to the network, and run their associated unit tests.
How to run tests truffle test
Project uses Open Zepellin Contracts
Download and install Geth (
The folder ./private_network contains all the data and commands for the private network.
- Run the file 1_config located in private_network folder.
- Run the file 2_start_geth located in private_network folder.
In order to can deploy our smart contract into Geth, we need to start mining in our private network. To do that, first we need to create an account and unlock it following these steps.
- In a new console run the file 3_attach_geth located in private_network folder.
- It will show you a Geth Console with > prompted.
- You need to create a new account typing personal.newAccount() command. It will ask you for a password. Or you can type personal.newAccount("password") command.
- Once you press enter and type the password, it will show you your new address.
- Now we have to unlock the new account, in order to mine in our private network. To do so, type the personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0]) command. It will ask you the password you wrote before.
- Finally, we can start mining. Type: miner.start(1). After that you will see the message Update mining threads in the first console we opened.
- It will show you a Geth Console with > prompted.
- The last step is deploy our contracts. Now we need to open a new console, and type truffle migrate --reset --network geth.
In order to can deploy the smart contracts to testnets (Rinkeby, Kovan, or Ropsten), mainnet, or infura net using the Infura service, you need to configure some parameters.
To do that, it needs to create a .env
file in the root folder with some key/values.
MNEMONIC_KEY="mnemonic 12 phrases"
The optional key/values are:
If some of them are not defined in .env
, the process will take those values by default.
There is a test file named ./test/ContestPoolFactoryCreateEventsDataTest.js
. To generate events data, you need to run that file using the command line:
truffle test ./test/ContestPoolFactoryCreateEventsDataTest.js
After executing the test, it will create an events.json
file in the root folder. That file will contains all events data.
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines
Using Solium for Linter Solidity
- Repo owner or admin Slack
- DONE Add require to avoid creating ContestPools if Contest definition time has passed
- PENDING (It could be invoking factory.definitions('ContestName')) Add view method to Factory to query existing definitions
- DONE Add methods to Factory to disable/modify/delete existing Contest Definitions
- Fix warnings in smart contracts.
- DONE Add authors in test files (equals to smart contract files).
- Add LICENSE file in root folder.
- Check passwords/users/other information before moving to "official" repository.
- Check README file.
- Check if the event LogPublishedScore in ContestPool is needed. It contains a LogNewHighScore event.