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Software Debugging

1. How Debuggers work


assert 可以被 try-catc 捕捉

Explicit Debugging


Problem set 1


def traceit(frame, event, trace_arg):


  1. frame
    • python有frameobject,保存有代码信息。常用成员变量:
      • frame.f_lineno 行号, 从1开始
      • frame.f_code.co_name 执行到的函数名.
      • f_code是code object
      • frame.f_locals 局部变量 dict
  2. event 事件
    • 调试中主要使用line
  3. arg 其他参数

traceit 会在程序每一行之行后,被调用。traceit 函数返回自身,才能继续下一行的执行。



2. Assertion

assertion 是自动化测试的关键。

assert condition

assertion 在测试中的作用:

def test_square_root():
    assert square_root(4)==2
    assert square_root(9)==3
    # and so on

对于没有assert 方法的语言,你完全可以自己定义一个assert 方法。

Built-in assert

  • indentification 告诉你是哪个断言失败
  • location 代码位置
  • optional 打开/关闭
  • standardize

assertion 在代码中的作用:

def square_root( x ):
    assert x > =  # precondition
    assert y*y==x  # postcondition
    return y

precondition 的设置,可以迅速的判断出出错的上游。

assertion can be turned off

  • python -O turn assertion off
  • c/c++ -DNDEBUG turn assertion off
  • jave -ea turn assertion on

因为assertion是可以关闭的, 所以一定要确保 完全去掉assertion语句不会影响到逻辑。

  • 错误写法:
    • assert map.remove(location)==True
  • 正确写法:
    • localRemoved = map.remove(location)
    • assert localRemoved

assertion should NOT check public preconditions

deposit = int(input)

assert deposit>=0

if deposit <0: raise IllegalDataException

一些会引发严重的后果的情形,比如宇宙飞船的控制程序,红绿灯控制系统,不应该使用assertion ,而应该 raise Exception, 因为 assertion 有可能会被关闭。

Should assertion remain enable in product code?


  • failing is better than bad data
  • Eases debugging
  • defect in the field are hard to debug


  • Performance
  • Not User Friendly

System Invariants

对于全局变量, 可以在 traceit 方法中监听变量值。

eg. 很多模块都会修改全局变量 flag

def traceit( ... ):
    global flag
    assert not flag
    return traceit

Buffer Overflow

c/c++ 程序中,如何防止 访问未分配内存的区域?

  • electric fense , x86
  • Valgrind , x86

Inferring Invariants 推断不变


不变量可以理解为 数据的某些不变的特征,比如 x 只可能是奇数,等等。

Define variants , precondition, postcondition 不是一件简单的事情,好在很多工具可以帮我们做这些。

工具 Daikon can dynamically detect invariants. 想法就是, 你要很多次地运行程序。

Problem set 2

跟踪square_root 的执行,自动输出 precondition 和 postcondition语句。

依然是使用 sys.settrace(trace_it) 方法。

def trace_it( frame, event, arg )
  • event
    • "call"
    • "return"
  • frame
    • frame.f_code.co_name 就是正在运行的函数名
    • frame.f_locals 所有的局部变量
  • arg
    • 如果 event是 "return", 传到arg里的就是返回值

跟踪 call square_root 和 return square_root , 以分析获得 precondition 和 postcondition.




call square_root():
    assert 2<=x<=16
    assert eps==10e-7
return sqaure_root():
    assert 1.42<=y<=4.0
    assert 1.42<=ret<=4.0

3. Simplifying Failures


Automated Simplification


To Automated Simplification , we need:

  • a strategy that does the simplification for us
    • basically it tell us how to simplify
  • an automated test
    • check whether our simplification succeeded of not

Delta Debugging

Delta debuggin returns a failure case.

2分自动查错 ddmin

4. Tracking Origins

Automate Deduction

trace_it 跟踪 successful run 和 fail run, 比较各个变量值的不同,以此来自动检测出错变量的最小集合。

5. Reproducing Failures

Record the funcion call rather than recording the GUI operations.

使用 trace_it 方法 记录下 "call" event 的函数名和参数,使用 eval 方法来 reproduce.

"remove_html_markup(s = '<b>foo</b>')"
"square_root(x = 2)"


Other Facets

  1. Time
    • if your program depends on real dates and times, be sure to provide a means to set these, for diagnostic purposes
  2. Randomness
    • save random seed for pseudorandom generator
    • save sequence of random numbers for true random generator
  3. Schedule
    • Multithread program , find means to make these thread switches deterministic
  4. Physical influence

  5. Debugging Tools
    • Debugger instruments the code and alter its execution. The least they do is to influence the real timing.

Capturing Coverage

使用 trace_it 方法记录下行数, 保存到一个 set 中, 统计测试覆盖率。


We can find that "quote=not quote" only executed in the failing runs. So all we need in this situation is to look at this condition.

Unfortunately , things are not always that easy.

If the input is <""> , "quote=not quote" is also executed , and the run is successfully.

So we can say the execution of this line, "quote=not quote" , directly is related to passing or failing.

What we want to look for are lines that statistically correlate with failure. That is , they may occasionly pass , but more frequently fail than pass.

Phi Coefficient

In this table you count how frequently a line was covered in failling runs, as well as in passing runs.

And of course you also count how frequently it was not covered in failing / passing runs.

This is the Phi Coefficient.

∅ 越大, correlation 越强.

  1. compute ∅ for each line
  2. rank lines from high ∅ to low ∅

6. Learning from Mistakes

7. Overview

  • Track the problem
  • Reproduce it
  • Automate + Simplify
  • Find possible infection origins
  • Foucs on most likely origins
  • Isolate the infection chains
  • Correct the defect