Naming Conventions:
- folders (lowercase)
- Components (CamelCase)
- __tests__
- config
- middleware
- errorHandler.js
- middleware
- db
- migrations
- #####_create_name.js
- models
- users.js
- categories.js
- ect...
- seeds
- 001-users.js
- ect...
- dbConfig.js
- migrations
- assets
- img
- img1.jpeg
- img2.jpeg
- img3.jpeg
- img
- routes
- usersRouter.js
- categoriesRouter.js
- ect...
- index.js
- server.js
- package.json
- knexfile.js
- .gitigno.lock
- design_files
- public
- src
- components
- Nav.js
- Logindropdown.js
- CategoryList.js
- Buttons.js
- Ect...
- store
- actions
- actions1.js
- actions2.js
- actions3.js
- ect...
- index.js
- reducers
- reducers1.js
- reducers2.js
- reducers3.js
- ect...
- index.js
- actions
- views
- landing.js
- register.js
- login.js
- ect...
- __tests__
- App.js
- index.js
- components
- .gitignore
- package-lock.json
- package.json
Single Tables
Field | Data Type |
id | Int (auto increment) |
username | String (unique) (required) |
password | String (required) |
String (optional) (unique) | |
status | String (required) |
created_at | bigInteger (required) |
Field | Data Type |
user_id | foreign Key (id in users table)(user who created category) |
id | int (auto increment) |
name | string (required) |
created_at | bigInteger (required) |
Field | Data Type |
id | int (auto increment) |
user_id | foreign key (id in users table) |
category_id | foreign key (id in category table) |
title | string(required) |
created_at | bigInteger (required) |
Field | Data Type |
id | int (auto increment) |
user_id | foreign key (id in users table) |
discussion_id | foreign Key (id in discussion table) |
body | text (required) |
created_at | bigInteger (required) |
last_edited_at | bigInteger (required) |
Field | Data Type |
id | int (auto increment) |
user_id | foreign key (id in users table) |
post_id | foreign Key (id in post table) |
body | text (required) |
created_at | bigInteger (required) |
last_edited_at | bigInteger (required) |
Name | Data Type (note, mods are individual roles assigned to a specific category) |
user_id | foreign Key (id in users table) |
avatar | Text (optional)(base64) |
user_type | String (required) (user, silver_member, gold_member, and admin) |
signature | string (255, optional) |
subscribed_at | bigInteger (required) |
Relational Tables
- many user_id's can vote on many discussion_id's
- many discussion_id's can have many user_id's vote on it
- one vote per relationship/row between user_id and discussion_id
Field | Data Type |
discussion_id | int(foreign key) |
user_id | int(foreign key) |
type | bool(1 for upvote 0 for downvote) |
- many user_id's can vote on many post_id's
- many post_id's can have many user_id's vote on it
- one vote per relationship/row between user_id and post_id
Field | Data Type |
post_id | int(foreign key) |
user_id | int(foreign key) |
type | integer(1 for upvote -1 for downvote) |
- many user_id's can vote on many post_id's
- many reply_id's can have many user_id's vote on it
- one vote per relationship/row between user_id and reply_id
Field | Data Type |
reply_id | int(foreign key) |
user_id | int(foreign key) |
type | integer(1 for upvote -1 for downvote) |
- many user_id's can have/follow many categories_id's
- many categories_id's can have many user_id's/followers
Field | Data Type |
category_id | int(foreign key) |
user_id | int(foreign key) |
- many user_id's can have/follow many discussion_id's
- many discussion_id's can have many user_id's/followers
Field | Data Type |
discussion_id | int(foreign key) |
user_id | int(foreign key) |
- Many user_id's can have many category_id's
- Many category_id's can have many user_id's
- One role per relationship/row between category_id and user_id
Field | Data Type |
role | string (required) (super mod, mod) |
user_id | foreign Key (id in users table) |
category_id | Foreign Key (id in categories table) |
Field | Data Type |
id | int (auto increment) |
user_id | foreign key (id in users table) |
category_id | foreign key (id in categories table) |
discussion_id | foreign key (id in discussions table) |
post_id | foreign key (id in post table) |
reply_id | foreign key (id in reply table) |
created_at | bigInteger (required) |