Project Setup
You need to have NodeJS
Type below commands in terminal
npm install -g yo
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
Install smacss generator
Type below commands in terminal
npm install -g generator-smacss
Clone the repo & cd into it
sudo npm install
bower install
Type below command in terminal
Application Directory Structure
├── app
│ ├── bower_components
│ ├── images
│ ├── js
│ │ └── lib
│ │ │ └── third-party-files.js
│ │ └── controllers
│ │ └── directives
│ │ └── services
│ │ └── filters
│ │ └── application.js
│ ├── css
│ │ └── master.css
│ ├── partials
│ │ └── header.html
│ │ └── footer.html
│ ├── scss
│ │ └── modules
│ │ │ └── module-name.scss
│ │ └── pages
│ │ │ └── page-landing.scss
│ │ └── base.scss
│ │ └── layout.css
│ │ └── mixins.css
│ │ └── reset.css
│ │ └── variables.css
│ └── index.html
├── build
│ └── build-files
├── zip
│ └── compressed-files
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── gulpfile.js
├── bower.json
├── .bowerrc
├── .gitattributes
└── .gitignore
Quick Commands
Clean Remove all files from your build folder
gulp clean
Zip Compress you app & save in
folder with timestamp for quick sharinggulp zip
Controller Creates a controller in
yo smacss:controller <name>
Service Creates a service in
yo smacss:service <name>
Directive Creates a directive in
yo smacss:directive <name>
Filter Creates a filter in
yo smacss:filter <name>
Generator Smacss comes with development and producution modes. In default it runs in development mode.
You can switch to production mode using the following command
gulp prod