Reading all deadlocks graph events from following sources:
- Extended events files (including system health)
- Extended events ring buffer
- Trace file
- Trace table
- Event Notifications
@SrceDesc VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL --ID of deadlock from @ListAllDeads = 1 or Xdl Deadlock graph
@SrceDB TINYINT = NULL, --0 Db From Deadlock Graph, 1 Current Database
@ListAllDeads TINYINT = 0, -- 0/1
@Action TINYINT = NULL --0 Null, 1 Extract Execution Plans, 1 Analyze Plans
Reading and analyzing deadlocks xml graph events.
Reading all deadlocks graph events.
EXECUTE XdlAnalysis --col ID contains the unique indentifier of every deadlock)
Analysis of a single deadlock graph event
EXECUTE XdlAnalysis 33 --Analysis of ID 33, simplified analysis
EXECUTE XdlAnalysis 33, @Action=0/*NULL*/ --Analysis of ID 33, simplified analysis
EXECUTE XdlAnalysis '<deadlock victim="process2706ded9c28">...'
Show only the full list with deadlocks
EXECUTE XdlAnalysis @ListAllDeads = 1
Extended analysis of single deadlock graph event
EXECUTE XdlAnalysis 33, @Action=1
Extended analysis: extract execution plans from sqlhandle and/or name of stored procedure (format DB.Schema.Procedure)
In case of using the name of stored procedure to extract de execution plan, following options could be used:
- @SrceDB NULL/0 Db From Deadlock Graph,
- @SrceDB 1 Current Database
EXECUTE XdlAnalysis 33, @Action=2