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This is new version of fhirbase, with support of DSTU-2 and planned support many advanced features:
- Extended query syntax
- Terminologies
- Profile validation
- References validateion
- ValueSet validateion
While crafting Health IT systems we understand an importance of a properly chosen domain model. FHIR is an open source new generation lightweight standard for health data interoperability, which (we hope) could be used as a foundation for Health IT systems. FHIR is based on a concept of resource.
FHIR® is a next generation standards framework created by HL7. FHIR combines the best features of HL7 Version 2, Version 3 and CDA® product lines while leveraging the latest web standards and applying a tight focus on implementability.
Also we learned that data is a heart of any information system, and should be reliably managed. PostgreSQL is a battle proved open source database which supports structured documents (jsonb) while preserving ACID guaranties and richness of SQL query language.
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness.
Here is the list of PostgreSQL features that we use:
To install fhirbase you need postgresql-9.4 and plv8 extension.
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.4 postgresql-9.4-plv8 -qq -y
psql -c "CREATE USER user WITH PASSWORD 'password'"
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE fhirbase;' -U user
psql -c '\dt' -U postgres
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/fhirbase
wget<version of the fhirbase>/fhirbase-<version of the fhirbase>
unzip fhirbase-<version of the fhirbase>
cat fhirbase-<version of the fhirbase>.sql | psql fhirbase
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/fhirbase
wget<version of the fhirbase>/fhirbase-<version of the fhirbase>
unzip fhirbase-<version of the fhirbase>
cat fhirbase-<version of the fhirbase>-patch.sql | psql fhirbase
Development installation requires node 0.12 and npm, which could be installed by nvm:
# install node < 0.12 by nvm for example
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.4 postgresql-9.4-plv8 -qq -y
git clone
cd fhirbase-plv8
git submodule init && git submodule update
npm install && cd plpl && npm install
npm install -g mocha && npm install -g coffee-script
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE fhirbase;' -U postgres
psql -c '\dt' -U postgres
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://fb:fb@localhost:5432/fhirbase
# build migrations
coffee utils/ -n | psql fhirbase
cat utils/patch_3.sql | psql fhirbase
# change something
# reload schema
plpl/bin/plpl reload
npm run test
# goto: change something
git clone fhirbase
cd fhirbase
docker build .
If you have permissions to edit PostgreSQL config, add directive for auto setting plv8 parameter for every connection. It will make your debugging and development much easier:
echo "plv8.start_proc='plv8_init'" >> /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
To make fhirbase-plv8 work you have to just after opening connection to postgresql you have to issue following command (read more here):
SET plv8.start_proc = 'plv8_init';
SET plv8.start_proc = 'plv8_init';
-- work with storage
SELECT fhir_create_storage('{"resourceType": "Patient"}');
SELECT fhir_drop_storage('{"resourceType": "Patient"}');
SELECT fhir_truncate_storage('{"resourceType": "Patient"}');
-- delete all resources of specified type
SELECT fhir_create_resource('{"resource": {"resourceType": "Patient", "name": [{"given": ["Smith"]}]}}');
-- create will fail if id provided, to create with predefined id pass [allowId] option or use fhir_update_resource
SELECT fhir_create_resource('{"allowId": true, "resource": {"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith"}}');
-- conditional create
SELECT fhir_create_resource('{"ifNotExist": "identifier=007", "resource": {"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith", "name": [{"given": ["Smith"]}]}}');
SELECT fhir_read_resource('{"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith"}');
SELECT fhir_vread_resource('{"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "????", "versionId": "????"}');
SELECT fhir_resource_history('{"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith"}');
SELECT fhir_resource_type_history('{"resourceType": "Patient", "queryString": "_count=2&_since=2015-11"}');
SELECT fhir_update_resource('{"resource": {"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith", "name": [{"given": ["John"], "family": ["Smith"]}]}}');
-- conditional update
SELECT fhir_update_resource('{"ifNoneExist": "identifier=007", "resource": {"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith", "name": [{"given": ["Smith"]}]}}');
-- update with contention guard
SELECT fhir_update_resource('{"ifMatch": "..versionid..", "resource": {"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith", "name": [{"given": ["Smith"]}]}}');
SELECT fhir_search('{"resourceType": "Patient", "queryString": "name=smith"}');
SELECT fhir_index_parameter('{"resourceType": "Patient", "name": "name"}');
SELECT fhir_unindex_parameter('{"resourceType": "Patient", "name": "name"}');
SELECT fhir_search_sql('{"resourceType": "Patient", "queryString": "name=smith"}');
-- see generated SQL
SELECT fhir_explain_search('{"resourceType": "Patient", "queryString": "name=smith"}');
-- see execution plan
-- mark resource as deleted (i.e. keep history)
SELECT fhir_delete_resource('{"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith"}');
-- completely delete resource and it history
SELECT fhir_terminate_resource('{"resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith"}');
-- expand valueset
SELECT fhir_valueset_expand('{"id": "issue-types", "filter": "err"}');
SELECT fhir_conformance('{"default": "values"}');
-- return simple Conformance resource, based on created stores
- Star us on GitHub
- If you encountered a bug, please make an Issue
- Contribute to fhirbase
Copyright © 2016 health samurai.
fhirbase is released under the terms of the MIT License.