A project by the HOPR Association
HOPR is a privacy-preserving messaging protocol which enables the creation of a secure communication network via relay nodes powered by economic incentives using digital tokens.
npm install -g @hoprnet/hoprd
hoprd --admin
yarn # Install tooling
yarn setup # Setups the monorepo
# all done!
# if you want to regenerate yarn.lock files
yarn util:regenerate
yarn setup
# if you run into errors during setup
yarn util:reset
yarn util:regenerate
yarn setup
yarn run:hoprd # Runs hoprd w/admin (:3000)
yarn run:chat # Runs hopr chat in terminal
- Core: HOPR Protocol definition and source code.
- Server: gRPC-enabled Server to communicate with a HOPR Node
- Protos: Protobuf API for interacting with a HOPR Server
- Chat: Interactive REPL-like chat PoC for HOPR Nodes
- Chatbot: Automata able to reply to messages sent via HOPR Chat
- Devops: Infrastructure code for managing HOPR centralised servers.
- Whitepaper: Technical whitepaper for the HOPR Protocol
- Documentation: General documentation for HOPR
- Assets: Press and brand materials for HOPR & Association
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/hoprnet
- Telegram - https://t.me/hoprnet
- Medium - https://medium.com/hoprnet
- Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/HOPR/
- Email - [email protected]
- Discord - https://discord.gg/5FWSfq7
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DzUtC90LXdW7TfT3igasA