This is an TransmogrifAI project created with the 'simple' template.
- Java 1.8
- Scala ${scalaVersion}.${scalaVersionRevision}
- Spark ${sparkVersion}
- IntelliJ Idea 2017+ recommended
- TransmogrifAI ${transmogrifaiVersion}
The primary build file is in build.gradle
This file defines dependencies on Scala, Spark, and TransmogrifAI, and also defines how the project will be built
and deployed.
The primary sources for your project live in src/main/scala
The spark application that you should run whenever you want to train/score/evaluate/etc. is the Simple /* << APP_NAME */
file in src/main/scala/com/salesforce/app
Definitions for your features should reside in src/main/scala/com/salesforce/app/Features.scala
, while the code that defines
where to get feature data from, what models to use, and any evaluation metrics lives in the application file.
You can run build commands by running ./gradlew
in this directory. Make sure that you have Spark installed, and that your
environment variable set to where you installed Spark.
To build the project, run ./gradlew build
. This will compile your sources and tell you of any compile errors.
Note: this platform runs on Spark, so you must download Spark ${sparkVersion} (prebuilt against hadoop 2.7), unpack and export SPARK_HOME
before trying to run.
To train your project, run
./gradlew -q sparkSubmit -Dmain=com.salesforce.hw.titanic.OpTitanic /* << README_MAIN_CLASS */ \
-Dargs="--run-type=train --model-location /tmp/titanic-model /* << README_MODEL_LOCATION */ \
--read-location Passenger=\$ophw/src/main/resources/TitanicDataset/TitanicPassengersTrainData.csv /* << README_READ_LOCATION */"
To score your project, run
./gradlew -q sparkSubmit -Dmain=com.salesforce.hw.titanic.OpTitanic /* << README_MAIN_CLASS */ \
-Dargs="--run-type=score --model-location /tmp/titanic-model /* << README_MODEL_LOCATION */ \
--read-location Passenger=\$ophw/src/main/resources/TitanicDataset/TitanicPassengersTrainData.csv /* << README_READ_LOCATION */
--write-location /tmp/titanic-scores /* << README_SCORE_LOCATION */"
Replace the read-location
parameter with whatever file you want to read for scoring.
To evaluate your project, run
./gradlew -q sparkSubmit -Dmain=com.salesforce.hw.titanic.OpTitanic /* << README_MAIN_CLASS */ \
-Dargs="--run-type=evaluate --model-location /tmp/titanic-mode /* << README_MODEL_LOCATION */
--read-location Passenger=\$ophw/src/main/resources/TitanicDataset/TitanicPassengersTrainData.csv /* << README_READ_LOCATION */
--write-location /tmp/titanic-eval /* << README_EVAL_LOCATION */
--metrics-location /tmp/titanic-metrics /* << README_METRICS_LOCATION */"