##What is this?
Debinate started out as a way to let you roll your very own Python projects with
a bunch of weird dependencies into little standalone Debian packages you can
install into /opt
. It has since gained the ability to turn any directory into
a Debian package with the addition of the generate
It's not meant to be a highly customizable packager with every option available under the sun but instead to just hit the low-hanging fruit of packaging applications to ease installation.
Drop the latest version of debinate
into your $PATH, set it executable, and
make sure you own /opt
if you plan to use the Python package
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/debinate -L https://github.com/rholder/debinate/releases/download/v0.4.0/debinate && \
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/debinate && \
sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt
Debinate 0.4.0 - roll up your project into a Debian package
debinate init - create and initialize a Debinate project structure in .debinate
debinate package - creates a .deb file from your project in .debinate/build
debinate clean - delete everything in the target, build, and cache folders
debinate generate - build a .deb from a directory
-r, --root root directory, e.g. ./root with ./root/usr/local/bin/thing inside
-n, --name project name (optional, default: current directory)
-v, --version project version (optional, default: 1.0.0)
-d, --debian-dir directory that contains debian package files, like control (optional)
-o, --output output .deb file location (optional, default: "./name-version.deb")
# everything you need to package up Python stuff
debinate init
debinate package
debinate clean
# minimal default to build a .deb from the given root directory
debinate generate -r ./build/root
# kitchen sink, specify all the things!
debinate generate --root ./build/root --name potato --version 1.3.2 --debian-dir ./debian --output ./potato-123.deb
For Python, create a setup.py
for your project that isn't too crazy. If you
can install it via a pip install ./
then you're probably good to go. Here's
one to get you started that has a bunch of stuff in it:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from setuptools import setup
requires = ['argparse==1.2.1',
py_modules = ['my_cool_project_module']
packages = []
setup_options = dict(
description='My Cool Project',
author='Cool Developer',
Initialize the .debinate project structure from the top level of your project:
debinate init
This will create some empty boilerplate that you can customize.
Package up your project:
debinate package
If you don't like what was built, you can clean out the build directories and start over with:
debinate clean
See examples for uses of the generate
##License Debinate is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.