Code for the 2022 World Robot Olympiad Season Senior Category.
From Team BrickFire. Taking Part in Germany.
Current stage: Regional competition Bad Lear (Region Osnabrück)
We as a team chose to communicate with our EV3 over a Wi-Fi connection.
Disclaimer: You will need to install PuTTY
You connect to your EV3 in the lejos "EV3 Control". Check the IP-address there and put it into the out/artifacts/WRO_jar/start.bat.
Now every time you want to test your program, just build the jar and run start.bat and it will put it on the EV3.
Everything related to the robot goes here. In the blueprint there are already a base robot class and movement controllers.
Here classes like arms or functional attachments, as well as sensor parts or other robot related stuff.
Here the classes that hold the instructions for executing the tasks go. Add as many as necessary. A given "main"-class is already
given by the blueprint. In its execute-Method, you should order all your methods from your own classes.
Feel free to add attributes for objects of these classes.
Suggested is that a class for every sub challenge is added, so values relevant to those missions can be stored
in objects of the relating type. They should extend the abstract class "BaseAction"
Here classes for objects of the challenge will be written. Whether it be a block, of which the color needs to be stored or something
else. A class which creates objects that store those values will be written in here.
This class needs to be build as a jar and put on the EV3
Add objects for the sensors and functional motor parts or other stuff related to the robot into this class
Add objects for your sub-challenges (please let them inherit from BaseAction). Declare them in the Constructor.
All the tasks, like calling methods from your objects, happens in the execute-method.
All Action-classes, so classes for sub-challenges, should extend from this class