I saw this video on Hak5's YT channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBkNgb-iPGE) that showed data exfiltration using QR codes so I tried to recreate it with python
This script is meant to run on python 2.x a linux machine, I'll probably make it windows compatible in the future. As a prerequisite you need qrcode and zbarimg installed, for that you just need to
pip install qrcode
sudo apt-get install zbar-tools
In a later version you'll be able to just dump all your files into Data2QR and it'll convert everything into one gif, for now you can only convert a single textfile (testfile.txt)
To convert to a gif put your file in Data2Txt and run bash python qr_exfil.py
from inside it's directory
A gif should apear in the upper directory
To convert back to text leave the gif as is and run bash python back2text.py
from inside it's directory
A textfile should appear