is a utility for translating function names, file names and line numbers in uglified JavaScript Error stack frames to the corresponding values in the original source. stack-converter
is distributed as both a package and a library and is used by the BugSplat backend to deliver crash reporting as a service for JavaScript and TypeScript applications.
The following is an example JavaScript Error stack converted to its TypeScript equivalent using stack-converter
Error: BugSplat rocks!
at crash (/Users/bobby/Desktop/bugsplat/stack-converter/dist/bin/cmd.js:16:11)
at /Users/bobby/Desktop/bugsplat/stack-converter/dist/bin/cmd.js:6:9
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/bobby/Desktop/bugsplat/stack-converter/dist/bin/cmd.js:14:3)
Error: BugSplat rocks!
at crash (../../bin/cmd.ts:15:10)
at <unknown> (../../bin/cmd.ts:5:8)
at Object.<anonymous> (../../bin/cmd.ts:12:2)
- Install this package globally
npm i -g @bugsplat/stack-converter
- Run
stack-converter -h
to see the latest usage information:
bobby@BugSplat % ~ % stack-converter -h
@bugsplat/stack-converter contains a command line utility and set of libraries to help you demangle JavaScript stack frames.
stack-converter command line usage:
stack-converter [ [ "/source-map-directory" OR "/" ] [ "/stack-trace.txt" ] ]
* Optionally provide either a path to a directory containing source maps or a .map.js file - Defaults to the current directory
* Optionally provide a path to a .txt file containing a JavaScript Error stack trace - Defaults to the value in the clipboard
❤️ [email protected]
- Run
and optionally specify a path to a directory containing files, path to a single file, and a path to a .txt file containing a stringified JavaScript Error. If no options are providedstack-converter
will default to looking in the current directory for source maps and attempt to read the stringified JavaScript error stack from the system clipboard.
- Install this package locally
npm i @bugsplat/stack-converter
- Import
import { StackConverter } from '@bugsplat/stack-converter';
- Create a new instance of
passing it an array of paths to source map files. You can also await the static factory functioncreateFromDirectory(directory: string): Promise<StackConverter>
which takes a path to a directory and creates a new StackConverter with an array of source map file paths it finds in the specified directory
const converter = new StackConverter(sourceMapFilePaths);
const converter = await StackConverter.createFromDirectory(directory);
- Await the call to convert passing it the stack property from a JavaScript Error object
const result = await converter.convert(error.stack);
Thanks for using BugSplat!