World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
John the Ripper jumbo - advanced offline password cracker, which supports hundreds of hash and cipher types, and runs on many operating systems, CPUs, GPUs, and even some FPGAs
Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework for ARM, ARM64 (ARMv8), Alpha, BPF, Ethereum VM, HPPA, LoongArch, M68K, M680X, Mips, MOS65XX, PPC, RISC-V(rv32G/rv64G), SH, Sparc, SystemZ, TMS320C64X, T…
Pafish is a testing tool that uses different techniques to detect virtual machines and malware analysis environments in the same way that malware families do
LKM rootkit for Linux Kernels 2.6.x/3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x (x86/x86_64 and ARM64)
Tool for injecting a shared object into a Linux process
A modern 64-bit position independent implant template
CVE-2016-5195 (dirtycow/dirtyc0w) proof of concept for Android
A collection of vulnerable ARM binaries for practicing exploit development
Proton Clang toolchains builds in the form of a continuously updating Git repository. Clone with --depth=1.
Malware Development for Ethical Hackers, published by Packt
Another bootrom exploit for MediaTek devices
btrace:binder_transaction+eBPF+Golang实现通用的Android APP动态行为追踪工具
Patch Android vbmeta image and disable verification flags inside
radare2 IO plugin for Linux and Android. Modifies files owned by other users via dirtycow Copy-On-Write cache vulnerability
Collection of codes focused on Linux rootkits