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Saut'e and Simmer {RL}: Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Safety State Augmentation

Sauté RL: Almost Surely Safe RL Using State Augmentation

Satisfying safety constraints almost surely (or with probability one) can be critical for deployment of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in real-life applications. For example, plane landing and take-off should ideally occur with probability one. We address the problem by introducing Safety Augmented (Saute) Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), where the safety constraints are eliminated by augmenting them into the state-space and reshaping the objective. We show that Saute MDP satisfies the Bellman equation and moves us closer to solving Safe RL with constraints satisfied almost surely. We argue that Saute MDP allows to view Safe RL problem from a different perspective enabling new features. For instance, our approach has a plug-and-play nature, i.e., any RL algorithm can be "sauteed". Additionally, state augmentation allows for policy generalization across safety constraints. We finally show that Saute RL algorithms can outperform their state-of-the-art counterparts when constraint satisfaction is of high importance.

Effects of Safety State Augmentation on Safe Exploration

Safe exploration is a challenging and important problem in model-free reinforcement learning (RL). Often the safety cost is sparse and unknown, which unavoidably leads to constraint violations -- a phenomenon ideally to be avoided in safety-critical applications. We tackle this problem by augmenting the state-space with a safety state, which is nonnegative if and only if the constraint is satisfied. The value of this state also serves as a distance toward constraint violation, while its initial value indicates the available safety budget. This idea allows us to derive policies for scheduling the safety budget during training. We call our approach Simmer (Safe policy IMproveMEnt for RL) to reflect the careful nature of these schedules. We apply this idea to two safe RL problems: RL with constraints imposed on an average cost, and RL with constraints imposed on a cost with probability one. Our experiments suggest that simmering a safe algorithm can improve safety during training for both settings. We further show that Simmer can stabilize training and improve the performance of safe RL with average constraints.


The following installation commands were tested in Ubuntu 18.04.

Create a conda environment

conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda env create -f sauterl.yml
conda activate sauterl

Our implementation is based on the Open AI safety starter agents. To install the Open AI libraries run the following commands:

mkdir safe-rl
cd safe-rl
git clone && cd safety-starter-agents && pip install -e . && cd ..
git clone  && cd safety-gym && pip install -e . && cd ..
cd .. 

Install the remaining libraries

pip install -r pip_repos.txt

Sautéing an environment

Using our approach in practice is straightforward and requires just three steps:

  1. Creating a safe environment
  2. Sautéing the safe environment
  3. Running a standard Reinforcement Learning algorithm

Creating a safe environment

In order to create a custom safe environment we need to define the safety cost and to inherit the rest of the definitions from the standard gym environment MyEnv and the provided class SafeEnv.

from envs.common.safe_env import SafeEnv

class MySafeEnv(SafeEnv, MyEnv):
    """New safety class"""
    def _safety_cost_fn(self, state:np.ndarray, action:np.ndarray, next_state:np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Define the safety cost here."

The class SafeEnv contains the changes to the step method, which incorporates the safety constraints. Note that we assume that there is a method MyEnv._get_obs().

Sautéing a safe environment

Safety state augmentation (sautéing) is done in a straightforward manner. Assume a safe environment is defined in a class MySafeEnv. The sautéed environment is defined using a decorator saute_env, which contains all the required definitions. Custom and overloaded functions can be defined in the class body.

from envs.common.saute_env import saute_env

class MySautedEnv(MySafeEnv):
    """New sauteed class."""    


We release a few tested safe environments, which can be evaluated using The file takes two arguments: the experiment identifier and the number of experiments for a particular algorithm to run in parallel. For instance,

python --experiment 11 --num-exps 5

Our experiments:

ID Environment Algorithms Type of Experiment
10 Pendulum swing-up SAC, Langrangian SAC, Sauté SAC Performance
11 Pendulum swing-up PPO, Langrangian PPO, Sauté PPO Performance
12 Pendulum swing-up TRPO, Langrangian TRPO, Sauté TRPO, CPO Performance
13 Pendulum swing-up Sauté TRPO Ablation
14 Pendulum swing-up Simmer TRPO PI controlled schedule
15 Pendulum swing-up Simmer TRPO Q learning controlled schedule
20 Double Pendulum TRPO, Sauté TRPO, CPO Performance
21 Double Pendulum Lagrangian TRPO Performance
22 Double Pendulum Sauté TRPO Naive generalization across safety budgets
23 Double Pendulum Sauté TRPO Smart generalization across safety budgets
24 Double Pendulum Sauté TRPO Ablation over unsafe reward value
30 Reacher TRPO, Langrangian TRPO, Sauté TRPO, CPO Performance
40 Safety gym TRPO, Langrangian TRPO, Sauté TRPO, CPO Performance


By default the output is saved to ./logs/ directory (the directory can be modified in the method set_all_overrides in the BaseRunner class).

By default no checkpoints are saved, but the results are tracked in the tensorboard.


If you find our code useful please cite the following papers

  title={Saut\'e RL: Almost Surely Safe Reinforcement Learning Using State Augmentation},
  author={Sootla, Aivar and Cowen-Rivers, Alexander I and Jafferjee, Taher and Wang, Ziyan and Mguni, David and Wang, Jun and Bou-Ammar, Haitham},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.06558},

  title = {Effects of Safety State Augmentation on Safe Exploration},
  author = {Sootla, Aivar and Cowen-Rivers, Alexander I. and Wang, Jun and Bou-Ammar, Haitham},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.02675},


	 title={Saut\'e and Simmer {RL}:  Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Safety State Augmentation}, 
   url = {},
   year = {2022},
	 author = {Sootla, Aivar and Cowen-Rivers, Alexander I. and Jafferjee, Taher and Wang, Ziyan},