Scripted from the brainstorm toolbox ver. Feb. 24 2019 and OpenMEEG-2.4.9999-Win64.tar.gz
Unzip the Brainstorm ver. Feb. 24 2019.rar from the link below or download from the Brainstorm website
Download the example data from
Example data includes:
1) 113922_MEG_anatomy 2) 113922_MEG_Restin_unproc 3) MC0000010_EEG_anatomy_t13d_anatVOL_20060115002658_2.nii_out 4) MC0000010_EEG_data.mat 5) Brainstorm ver. Feb. 24 2019.rar
Set the database folder as the Brainstorm_db, if it is the first time to run brainstorm on your PC
Run scripted_bst_fs_lf.m for Freesurfer anatomy files
Run scripted_bst_hcp_lf.m for HCP (Human Connectome Project) anatomy files