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Captcha API

This project contains a simple Captcha API that returns an encoded image containing letters a-Z and numbers 1-9 via a GET endpoint. The POST endpoint can be used to validate the captcha.

A Dockerfile is provided for containerisation.

Running with Docker

Build the Docker image

docker build . -t captcha-api

Run the Docker image

docker run -d --name captcha -p 8080:8080 -e CAPTCHA_API_CONFIG=captcha.cfg captcha-api

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui


For accessibility reasons, one might one to listen to the CAPTCHA message. In order to do yhat, you can point to the following endpoint:


The file returned is in the mp3 format and can be easily loaded into an HTML form as such:

  <audio controls="controls" className="audio-element">
    <source src="http://localhost:8080/api/v1.0/captcha/audio/$CAPTCHA_ID" } />

Running migrations

Make sure you installed the dependencies using pip install -e ..

Afterwards, run flask db upgrade to bring your DB to the latest level. By default it will use a test.db SQLite file in the captcha_api folder.

Embedded captcha.js

The Captcha API includes a static Javascript file to help with simple web form integrations. To use or test this script:

  1. Configure the captchaApiUrl variable in captcha_api/static/captcha.js.
  2. Run the Captcha API.
  3. Include the script in your page, and the HTML element <div id="cern-captcha"></div> in your form (see the example in captcha_api/static/demo.html).
  4. When processing your form, validate captchaAnswer and captchaId with the POST endpoint of the Captcha API.

Example for the production Captcha API:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="module" src=""></script>
        <div id="cern-captcha"></div>
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">