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Slay the Spire mod which provides a modding API and a dev console


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BaseMod provides a number of hooks and a console.

Currently supported version: [EARLY_ACCESS_015] (non beta)


General Use



  1. (If you haven't already) mvn install ModTheSpire Altenatively, modify pom.xml to point to a local copy of the JAR.
  2. Copy desktop-1.0.jar from your Slay the Spire folder into ../_lib relative to the repo.
  3. Decompile desktop-1.0.jar with java -jar "cfr_0_124.jar" --comments false --showversion false --caseinsensitivefs true --outputdir "decompiled" --jarfilter com.megacrit.cardcrawl.* "desktop-1.0.jar"
  4. Run _patch.bat to automatically apply diffs
  5. Run mvn package


  1. Copy target/BaseMod.jar to your ModTheSpire mods directory. Maven will automatically do this after packaging if your mods directory is located at ../_ModTheSpire/mods relative to the repo.


Default hotkey is `, can be changed from BaseMod's settings screen.

  • deck add [id] {upgrades} {cardcount} add card to deck (optional: integer # of upgrades) (optional: integer # of times you want to add this card) to add multiples of an unupgraded card use -1 as the upgrade amount
  • deck r [id] remove card from deck
  • draw [num] draw cards
  • energy add [amount] gain energy
  • energy inf toggles infinite energy
  • energy r [amount] lose energy
  • fight [name] enter combat with the specified encounter
  • gold add [amount] gain gold
  • gold r [amount] lose gold
  • hand add [id] {upgrades} add card to hand with (optional: integer # of upgrades)
  • hand r all exhaust entire hand
  • hand r [id] exhaust card from hand
  • info toggle Settings.isInfo
  • kill all kills all enemies in the current combat
  • kill self kills your character
  • potion [pos] [id] gain specified potion in specified slot
  • relic add [id] generate relic
  • relic list logs all relic pools
  • relic r [id] lose relic

For Modders


Subscription handling

  • BaseMod.subscribeTo...(this)
  • BaseMod.unsubscribeFrom...(this)


Implement the appropriate interface (ex. basemod.interfaces.PostInitializeSubscriber) All interfaces are in the package basemod.interfaces (also receive is probably misspelled somewhere so sorry about that)

  • boolean receiveStartAct() - After a new act is started.
  • boolean receivePostCampfire() - After a campfire action is performed. Returning false will allow another action to be performed.
  • void receivePostDraw(AbstractCard) - After a card is drawn.
  • void receivePostDungeonInitialize() - After dungeon initialization completes.
  • void receivePostEnergyRecharge() - At the start of every player turn, after energy has recharged.
  • void receivePostInitialize() - One time only, at the end of CardCrawlGame.initialize().
  • boolean receivePreMonsterTurn(AbstractMonster) - Before each monster takes its turn. Returning false will skip the monsters turn.
  • void receiveRender(SpriteBatch) - Under tips and the cursor, above everything else.
  • void receivePostRender(SpriteBatch) - Above everything.
  • void receivePreStartGame() - When starting a new game, before generating/loading the player.
  • void receiveStartGame() - When starting a new game or continuing, after generating/loading the player and before dungeon generation.
  • void receivePreUpdate() - Immediately after input is read.
  • void receivePostUpdate() - Immediately before input is disposed.
  • boolean receivePostCreateStartingDeck(cardsToAdd) - Immediately after the character's starting deck is created. Returning true will remove all the cards from the default starting deck. Add the cards you want to be in the starting deck to cardsToAdd.
  • boolean receievePostCreateStartingRelics(relicsToAdd) - Immediately after the character's starting relics are created. Returning true will remove all the default relics from the player. Add the relics you want to be in the starting deck to relicsToAdd.
  • void receivePostCreateShopRelics(relics, sceenInstance) - Immediately after the shop generates its relics. Modifying relics will change the relics in the shop. screenInstance is an instance of the ShopScreen.
  • void receivePostCreateShopPotions(potions, screenInstance) - Immediately after the shop generates its potions. Modifying potions will change the potions in the shop. screenInstance is an instance of the ShopScreen.
  • void receiveEditCards - When you should register any cards to add or remove with BaseMod.addCard and BaseMod.removeCard. Do NOT initialize any cards or register any cards to add or remove outside of this handler. Slay the Spire needs some things to be done in certain orders and this handler ensures that happens correctly. Note that removing any cards involved in game events is undefined behavior currently.
  • void receiveEditRelics - When you should register any relics to add or remove with BaseMod.addRelic and BaseMod.removeRelic. Do NOT initialize any relics or register any relics to add or remove outside of this handler. Slay the Spire needs some things to be done in certain orders and this handler ensures that happens correctly. Note that removing any relics involved in game events is undefined behavior currently.
  • void receiveEditCharacters - When you should register any characters to add or remove with BaseMod.addCharacter and BaseMod.removeCharacter. Do NOT initialize any characters or register any relics to add or remove outside of this handler. Slay the Spire needs some things to be done in certain orders and this handler ensures that happens correctly. Note that removing the default characters IS NOT supported at this time.

Mod Badges

32x32 images that display under the title on the main menu. Clicking one opens that mods settings menu.

  • BaseMod.registerModBadge(Texture texture, String modName, String author, String description, ModPanel settingsPanel)
  • ModPanel.addButton(float x, float y, Consumer<ModButton> clickEvent)
  • ModPanel.addLabel(String text, float x, float y, Consumer<ModLabel> updateEvent)
  • There is more here, but it is a big mess and is going to be cleaned up soon.

Example of setting up a basic mod badge with settings panel:

ModPanel settingsPanel = new ModPanel();
settingsPanel.addLabel("", 475.0f, 700.0f, (me) -> {
    if (me.parent.waitingOnEvent) {
        me.text = "Press key";
    } else {
        me.text = "Change console hotkey (" + Keys.toString(DevConsole.toggleKey) + ")";

settingsPanel.addButton(350.0f, 650.0f, (me) -> {
    me.parent.waitingOnEvent = true;
    oldInputProcessor = Gdx.input.getInputProcessor();
    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() {
        public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
            DevConsole.toggleKey = keycode;
            me.parent.waitingOnEvent = false;
            return true;

Texture badgeTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("img/BaseModBadge.png"));
registerModBadge(badgeTexture, MODNAME, AUTHOR, DESCRIPTION, settingsPanel);

Take a look at basemod.BaseModInit to see the code used to create the ModBadge for BaseMod.

Custom Relics

  • CustomRelic(String id, Texture texture, AbstractRelic.RelicTier tier, AbstractRelic.LandingSound sfx)
  • BaseMod.addRelic(AbstractRelic relic, RelicType type) (note: CustomRelic extends AbstractRelic) and RelicType indicates if this relic is shared between both characters or RED only or GREEN only.
  • BaseMod.removeRelic(AbstractRelic relic, RelicType type) removes a relic from the game (note: removing a relic used by an event is currently untested/undefined behavior)
  • BaseMod.removeRelic(AbstractRelic relic) removes a relic from the game without having to know its RelicType

Custom Cards

  • CustomCard(String id, String name, String img, int cost, String rawDescription, CardType type, CardColor color, CardRarity rarity, CardTarget target, int cardPool)
  • BaseMod.addCard(AbstractCard card) (note: CustomCard extends AbstractCard).
  • BaseMod.removeCard(AbstractCard card) removes a card from the game (note: removing a card used by an event is currently untested/undefined behavior)

Custom Player Characters

The process for creating custom player characters is fairly involved but still not too complex. It is detailed below:

  1. To add a custom character there are two major steps. You need to register both a new color and a new character. Basically the Ironclad is RED, the Silent is GREEN, the unused content Crowbot is BLUE, etc... In making a custom character you would want to make a new color like maybe YELLOW or PURPLE or ORANGE.
  2. Since the base game represents colors using an enum we need to use ModTheSpire's enum patching feature. To do this create any class and add to it the following code:
	public static AbstractCard.CardColor MY_NEW_COLOR;
  1. The base game also reprents players using an enum so we must do the same thing for the player enum. Use this code:
	public static AbstractPlayer.PlayerClass MY_NEW_PLAYER_CHARACTER;
  1. To create a new color use BaseMod.addColor. This should be called in your mod's initialize method. It does not need a special handler to work. The parameters are as follows: String color (this should be MY_NEW_COLOR.toString()), Color bgColor (the background color for the card color), Color backColor (the back color for the card color), Color frameColor (the frame color for the card color), Color frameOutineColor (the frame outline color for the card color), Color descBoxColor (the description box color), Color trailVfxColor (the trail vfx color), Color glowColor (the glow color), String attackBg (path to your attack bg texture for the card color, path starts relative to your SlayTheSpire folder), String skillBg (path to your skill bg texture for the card color, path starts relative to your SlayTheSpire folder), String powerBg (path to your power bg texture for the card color, path starts relative to your SlayTheSpire folder), String energyOrb (path to your energy orb texture for the card color, path starts relative to your SlayTheSpire folder)
  2. To create a new player character make a EditCharacterSubscriber and in the receiveEditCharacters method go ahead and call BaseMod.addCharacter. The parameters are as follows: Class characterClass (the actual java Class of your character, e.g. MyCharacterClass.class), String titleString (title string for the character), String classString (class string for the character), String color, (the color for this character; should be My_New_Color.toString()), String selectText (select text for the character), String selectButton (path to select button texture starting relative to the SlayTheSpire folder), String portrait (path to portrait texture starting relative to the SlayTheSpire folder), String characterID (this should be MY_NEW_PLAYER_CHARACTER.toString())
  3. Now just be sure to add some cards for your custom character! When defining cards for your custom character rather than using AbstractCard.CardColor.WHATEVER go ahead and use MY_NEW_COLOR instead.
  4. Note that there are likely to be bugs with this feature since it is complex and new so use at your own risk and also please submit bug reports as issues on this repository.


  • t-larson - Original author
  • FlipskiZ - hand command, bug fixes
  • daviscook477 - Custom players, custom colors, custom cards, more API hooks, code cleanup, bugfixes


Slay the Spire mod which provides a modding API and a dev console







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  • Java 100.0%