Bypass client side restrictions for name tags
TeleChat: 🤖️ an AI chat Telegram bot can Web Search Powered by GPT-3.5/4/4 Turbo/4o, DALL·E 3, Groq, Gemini 1.5 Pro/Flash and the official Claude2.1/3/3.5 API using Python on Zeabur, and Rep…
Auto-scrubbing of articles and auto-likes in discourse
A tweak to get Spotify Premium for free, just like Spotilife
基于 DeepLx 可Cloudflare Pages部署的翻译界面。
User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
A service that can convert ChatGPT on the web to OpenAI API format.
OnlineGPT 是一个基于 Python 和 PyQt5 的桌面应用程序,为用户提供了一个功能强大的图形用户界面,支持使用多个搜索引擎(Google、Bing、百度)进行网络搜索。它的主要目的是让语言模型能够连接到互联网,获取实时的网络信息,以提供更准确和丰富的回答。
🌍 免 Root 的 SIM 卡国家码修改工具 | 解决国际漫游时的兼容性问题,帮助使用海外 SIM 卡获得更好的本地化体验,解锁运营商限制,突破区域限制
基于 chatgpt-web 兼容 LLM Red Team 项目下所有的 free-api 以及 one-api 或 new-api提供的接口和 key
Xbox streaming application, you can play Xbox games anywhere.
A conversational Q&A agent configuration system, self-hosted deployment solutions, and a convenient all-in-one application SDK, allowing you to create intelligent Q&A bots for your GitHub repositories
5GHz + 2.4GHz wifi deauther device using RTL8720DN (BW16).
🍒 Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers
🌈一个跨平台的划词翻译和OCR软件 | A cross-platform software for text translation and recognition.
一个基于 NextJS + Cloudflare 技术栈构建的可爱临时邮箱服务🎉
Ditto is an extension to the Windows Clipboard. You copy something to the Clipboard and Ditto takes what you copied and stores it in a database to retrieve at a later time.
🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper
one for all free music in china (Windows, Mac, Linux desktop)
🎉跨平台的剪贴板管理工具 | Cross-platform clipboard management tool
PDF scientific paper translation with preserved formats - 基于 AI 完整保留排版的 PDF 文档全文双语翻译,支持 Google/DeepL/Ollama/OpenAI 等服务,提供 CLI/GUI/Docker