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Merge pull request #69 from p-costa/add-basic-post
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Added some basic post-processing useful for many cases.
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p-costa authored Jun 11, 2024
2 parents 9d45231 + c2f4c1e commit 3566490
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Showing 3 changed files with 170 additions and 0 deletions.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions src/output.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -698,4 +698,92 @@ subroutine cmpt_total_area(n,dli,dzci,dzfi,psi,area)
end subroutine cmpt_total_area
subroutine cmpt_mean_pos_and_vel(iphase,lo,hi,dl,dzf_g,zc_g,psi,u,v,w,pos,vel)
! computes the mean position and velocity of one of the phases (e.g., useful for single-droplet or bubble benchmarks)
! not too difficult to port to GPU, if later needed
implicit none
integer , intent(in ) :: iphase ! phase 1 or 2?
integer , intent(in ), dimension(3) :: lo,hi
real(rp), intent(in ), dimension(3) :: dl
real(rp), intent(in ), dimension(lo(3)-1:) :: dzf_g,zc_g
real(rp), intent(in ), dimension(lo(1)-1:,lo(2)-1:,lo(3)-1:) :: psi,u,v,w
real(rp), intent(out), dimension(3) :: pos,vel
real(rp) :: aux,sgn,xc,yc,zc,vol_loc,vol
integer :: i,j,k
aux = 0.
sgn = 1.
if( iphase == 1 ) then
aux = aux
sgn = sgn
else if( iphase == 2 ) then
aux = 1.
sgn = -1.
end if
pos(:) = 0._rp
vel(:) = 0._rp
vol = 0.
do k=lo(3),hi(3)
zc = zc_g(k)
do j=lo(2),hi(2)
yc = (j-0.5)*dl(2)
do i=lo(1),hi(1)
xc = (i-0.5)*dl(1)
vol_loc = (aux+sgn*psi(i,j,k))*dl(1)*dl(2)*dzf_g(k)
vol = vol + vol_loc
pos(1) = pos(1) + xc*vol_loc
pos(2) = pos(2) + yc*vol_loc
pos(3) = pos(3) + zc*vol_loc
vel(1) = vel(1) + 0.5*(u(i,j,k)+u(i-1,j,k))*vol_loc
vel(2) = vel(2) + 0.5*(v(i,j,k)+v(i,j-1,k))*vol_loc
vel(3) = vel(3) + 0.5*(w(i,j,k)+w(i,j,k-1))*vol_loc
end do
end do
end do
pos(:) = pos(:)/vol
vel(:) = vel(:)/vol
end subroutine cmpt_mean_pos_and_vel
subroutine cmpt_total_mass(n,dl,dzf,rho12,psi,mass)
! computes total mass of the system
implicit none
integer , intent(in ), dimension(3) :: n
real(rp), intent(in ), dimension(3) :: dl
real(rp), intent(in ), dimension(0:) :: dzf
real(rp), intent(in ), dimension(2) :: rho12
real(rp), intent(in ), dimension(0:,0:,0:) :: psi
real(rp), intent(out) :: mass
real(rp) :: rho,vcell
integer :: i,j,k
! calculate the total mass of the system
mass = 0._rp
!$acc data copy(mass) async(1)
!$acc parallel loop collapse(3) default(present) async(1)
do k=1,n(3)
do j=1,n(2)
do i=1,n(1)
rho = rho12(1)*psi(i,j,k)+rho12(2)*(1.-psi(i,j,k))
vcell = dl(1)*dl(2)*dzf(k)
mass = mass + vcell*rho
end do
end do
end do
!$acc end data
!$acc wait(1)
end subroutine cmpt_total_mass
end module mod_output
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions utils/useful_fortran_blocks/cap_wav_amplitude-inc.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
real(rp) :: phic,phip,h
integer :: i,j,k
!$acc wait
!$acc update self(phi)
h = 0.
j = 1
if(lo(1) == 1 ) then
do k=1,n(3)
phic = 0.5*(phi(0,j,k )+phi(1,j,k ))
phip = 0.5*(phi(0,j,k+1)+phi(1,j,k+1))
if(phic*phip < 0.) then
h = h + zc(k)-phic*dzc(k)/(phip-phic)
end if
end do
end if
h = h - l(3)/2
var(1) = time
var(2) = h
call out0d(trim(datadir)//'amplitude-cap-wav-1d.out',2,var)
end block
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions utils/useful_fortran_blocks/sdf_sine_wave-inc.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
function sdist_to_wave(p,a,b,c,d) result(r)
! adapted from:
! example usage: sdist = sdist_to_wave([x,z],0._rp,zfilm_max,2.*pi,0._rp)
use mod_param, only: pi
implicit none
real(rp), intent(in) :: p(2) ! input point (x, y)
real(rp), intent(in) :: a,b,c,d ! parameters of the cosine wave
real(rp) :: r ! resulting signed distance
real(rp) :: p_transformed(2)
real(rp) :: w,xa,xb,x,y,x_closest,y_closest,distance
real(rp) :: qa(2),qb(2),pa(2),ba(2),h
integer :: i,isgn
! transform to primitive cosine space
p_transformed = c*(p - [d,a])
w = c*b
! reduce to principal half cycle
p_transformed(1) = mod(p_transformed(1),2.*pi)
if (p_transformed(1) > pi) p_transformed(1) = 2.*pi - p_transformed(1)
! find zero of derivative using bisection
xa = 0.
xb = pi
do i=1,24
x = 0.5*(xa + xb)
y = x - p_transformed(1) + w*sin(x)*(p_transformed(2) - w*cos(x))
if (y < 0.) then
xa = x
xb = x
end if
end do
! compute distance
x_closest = 0.5*(xa+xb)
y_closest = w*cos(x_closest)
qa = [x_closest,y_closest]
qb = [xb,w*cos(xb)]
pa = p_transformed - qa
ba = qb - qa
h = dot_product(pa,ba)/dot_product(ba,ba)
h = max(0._rp,min(1._rp,h))
distance = sqrt(dot_product(pa-ba*h,pa-ba*h))
! determine sign (above or below the wave)
isgn = sign(1._rp,p_transformed(2)-y_closest)
! convert back to non-primitive cosine space
r = isgn*distance/c
end function sdist_to_wave

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