Flowstate is a package of scripts for R5 Reloaded (Modded Apex Legends) that includes additional content made by @CafeFPS. (Gamemodes, weapons, abilities, bug fixes, and more!)
- Flowstate Aim Trainer
- Flowstate FFA/TDM
- Battle royale (Beta)
- Csgo-like Apex Surf
- Capture The Flag
Join r5 reloaded discord: https://discord.com/invite/r5reloaded
Follow the steps in order, or you will have issues!
- Get the last SDK version for your Apex S3 to run these scripts correctly (How to get Apex S3? Read instructions in https://discord.com/invite/r5reloaded). Latest stable 2.2.3 RC. Get it from https://github.com/Mauler125/r5sdk/releases. Download depot.zip and replace all the content into your Apex S3 main folder.
- Get the latest release from this repository to get the required files.
- Get scripts (https://github.com/ColombianGuy/r5_flowstate/archive/refs/heads/r5_flowstate.zip) and place them in /platform/scripts/. Replace all the content.
You can use Lobby Create Server menu or F10 menu to start a Flowstate Aim Trainer session.
- Choose playlist. "custom_aimtrainer" (F10 menu) or "Flowstate Aim Trainer" (Lobby menu).
- Select a map. It works with all Kings Canyon and World's Edge maps, Firing Range map is NOT recommended.
- Start the server!
- Change character, weapon, attachments (use right click to change attachments) and a lot more! Start to challenge yourself!
- Season 16 weapon data.
- Laser sights.
- Results UI, displays the results data at the end of the challenge.
- History UI, saves challenges data, useful to see your performance over time.
- Export to .txt button so you can analyze your data. Exported to
- Export to .txt button so you can analyze your data. Exported to
- Classic aim trainer weapon available, this weapon is hitscan with no spread, no recoil and no delay. (Tile Frenzy, Smoothbot and other challenges are interesting to play with this weapon!)
- Settings UI, exclusive settings menu for the Aim Trainer.
- Weapon Selector UI featuring Attachments Box UI.
- Legend select button featuring my mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm0sIN15n5Y
- Button to change dummies shields.
- Button to change dummies strafing speed. (Only compatible with the following challenges: Strafing Dummy, Target Switching, Arc Stars Pratice, Shooting From Lift and Running Targets)
- Button to set the targets invincible.
- Button to enable/disable autoreload weapon on hit.
- Button to enable/disable autoreload weapon on kill.
- Button to enable/disable infinite challenge.
- Button to change challenge duration.
- Button to enable a cool and useless rbg hud.
- Button to play as a dummy.
- No controller support atm because I don't have one to test lol
- Strafing Dummy
- Target Switching
- Floating Target
- Popcorn Targets
- Tile Frenzy
- Close Fast Strafes
- Smoothbot
- Fast Jumps Strafes
- Arc Stars Practice
- Grenades Practice
- Shooting Valk's Ult
- Shooting From Lift
- Skydiving Targets
- Running Targets
Maybe in a future: Advanced Movement recorded animations.
Hola, soy Café. I'm an Apex Legends nerd and full time modder, I'm from Colombia and I don't have a job other than modding Apex, in this country 1 dollar is a lot. If you enjoy my mods and want to support me, please consider a donation:
- https://ko-fi.com/r5r_colombia
- LTC: ltc1qrxjkq0gfyraa94p3fc9mqx7j0d7qcwdtd9h23w
- ETH: 0xe975b5D5fa624Da7E52A340071fC6689759b7639
I know all the code can be massively improved and there are a lot of things that are working with tape and glue, I'm still learning so if you have any feedback about code, challenges improvements, or new ideas in general, I'll really appreciate it. Feel free to leave me a dm in discord.
- Discord: Retículo Endoplasmático#5955
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/CafeFps
More credits:
- Amos#1368 & contributors -- sdk https://github.com/Mauler125/r5sdk/tree/indev
- rexx#1287 & contributors -- repak tool https://github.com/r-ex/RePak
- JustANormalUser#6809 -- custom weapons framework
- Skeptation#4002 -- beta tester and coworker https://www.youtube.com/c/Skeptation
- Zee#6969 -- weapons buy menu example, history ui pages logic
- Darkes#8647 -- beta tester
- Rego#2848 -- beta tester
- michae\l/#1125 -- beta tester
- James9950#5567 -- beta tester
- (--GimmYnkia--)#2995 -- beta tester
- oliver#1375 -- beta tester
- Rin 暗#5862 -- beta tester