R&D Software Engineer @opendatasoft - Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from Nantes University.
- Nantes, France
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-minier-298b29124
for forked starred repositories
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htr3n / hyde-hyde
Forked from spf13/hydeA cool theme inspired by spf13's Hyde theme
robstewart57 / hsparql
Forked from jeffwheeler/hsparqlhsparql includes a DSL to easily create queries, as well as methods to submit those queries to a SPARQL server, returning the results as simple Haskell data structures.
linkeddata / node-webid
Forked from magnetik/node-webidWebID node.js library
hiddenwaffle / lighting
Forked from github/game-off-2016Game inspired by MIT and Cira Centre building hacks, for the desktop Chrome browser.