Windows • Linux • Mac OS • Unix (Solaris, FreeBSD)
- Computer System and firmware, baseboard
- Operating System and Version/Build
- Physical (core) and Logical (hyperthreaded) CPUs
- System and per-processor load % and tick counters
- CPU uptime, processes, and threads
- Process uptime, CPU, memory usage
- Physical and virtual memory used/available
- Mounted filesystems (type, usable and total space)
- Disk drives (model, serial, size) and partitions
- Network interfaces (IPs, bandwidth in/out)
- Battery state (% capacity, time remaining)
- Connected displays (with EDID info)
- USB Devices
- Sensors (temperature, fan speeds, voltage)
General information about the operating system and computer system.
Apple macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) build 18G84
Booted: 2019-07-28T20:27:49Z
Uptime: 10 days, 08:24:03
Running without elevated permissions.
manufacturer: Apple Inc.
model: MacBook Pro (MacBookPro15,1)
serialnumber: C03Z53B7LVDR
Processor identification.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
1 physical CPU package(s)
8 physical CPU core(s)
16 logical CPU(s)
Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 13
ProcessorID: BFEBFBFF000906ED
By measuring ticks (user, nice, system, idle, iowait, and irq) between time intervals, percent usage can be calculated. Per-processor information is also provided.
CPU, IOWait, and IRQ ticks @ 0 sec:[967282, 15484, 195343, 124216619], 6176, [4054, 2702]
CPU, IOWait, and IRQ ticks @ 1 sec:[967308, 15484, 195346, 124216790], 6177, [4057, 2705]
User: 13.0% Nice: 0.0% System: 1.5% Idle: 85.5%
CPU load: 8.8%
CPU load averages: 2.69 2.47 2.38
CPU load per processor: 23.6% 1.3% 18.2% 0.7% 12.9% 0.7% 12.1% 1.3%
Vendor Frequency: 2.3 GHz
Max Frequency: 2.3 GHz
Current Frequencies: 2.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz
Process information including CPU and memory per process is available.
Processes: 401, Threads: 1159
55977 27.9 0.2 6.8 GiB 34.3 MiB java
51820 18.7 5.6 6.3 GiB 919.2 MiB eclipse
39272 11.2 17.8 7.1 GiB 2.8 GiB prl_vm_app
85316 6.5 2.9 5.6 GiB 471.4 MiB thunderbird
35301 5.4 0.5 1.7 GiB 89.8 MiB Microsoft Excel
Memory and swapfile information is available.
Memory: 11.6 GiB/32 GiB
Swap used: 3.6 GiB/5 GiB
Statistics for the system battery are provided.
Power Sources:
Name: InternalBattery-0, Device Name: bq20z451,
RemainingCapacityPercent: 100.0%, Time Remaining: 5:42, Time Remaining Instant: 5:42,
Power Usage Rate: -16045.216mW, Voltage: 12.694V, Amperage: -1264.0mA,
Power OnLine: false, Charging: false, Discharging: true,
Capacity Units: MAH, Current Capacity: 7213, Max Capacity: 7315, Design Capacity: 7336,
Cycle Count: 6, Chemistry: LIon, Manufacture Date: 2019-06-11, Manufacturer: SMP,
SerialNumber: D869243A2U3J65JAB, Temperature: 30.46°C
The EDID for each Display is provided. This can be parsed with various utilities for detailed information. health provides a summary of selected data.
Display 0:
Manuf. ID=SAM, Product ID=2ad, Analog, Serial=HA19, ManufDate=3/2008, EDID v1.3
41 x 27 cm (16.1 x 10.6 in)
Preferred Timing: Clock 106MHz, Active Pixels 3840x2880
Range Limits: Field Rate 56-75 Hz vertical, 30-81 Hz horizontal, Max clock: 140 MHz
Monitor Name: SyncMaster
Serial Number: H9FQ345476
Display 1:
Manuf. ID=SAM, Product ID=226, Analog, Serial=HA19, ManufDate=4/2007, EDID v1.3
41 x 26 cm (16.1 x 10.2 in)
Preferred Timing: Clock 106MHz, Active Pixels 3840x2880
Range Limits: Field Rate 56-75 Hz vertical, 30-81 Hz horizontal, Max clock: 140 MHz
Monitor Name: SyncMaster
Serial Number: HMCP431880
Disks and usage (reads, writes, transfer times) are shown, and partitions can be mapped to filesystems.
disk0: (model: SanDisk Ultra II 960GB - S/N: 161008800550) size: 960.2 GB, reads: 1053132 (23.0 GiB), writes: 243792 (11.1 GiB), xfer: 73424854 ms
|-- disk0s1: EFI (EFI System Partition) Maj:Min=1:1, size: 209.7 MB
|-- disk0s2: Macintosh HD (Macintosh SSD) Maj:Min=1:2, size: 959.3 GB @ /
disk1: (model: Disk Image - S/N: ) size: 960.0 GB, reads: 3678 (60.0 MiB), writes: 281 (8.6 MiB), xfer: 213627 ms
|-- disk1s1: EFI (EFI System Partition) Maj:Min=1:4, size: 209.7 MB
|-- disk1s2: Dropbox (disk image) Maj:Min=1:5, size: 959.7 GB @ /Volumes/Dropbox
CPU Temperature: 69.8°C
Fan Speeds:[4685, 4687]
CPU Voltage: 3.9V
Attached USB devices can be listed:
USB Devices:
|-- Root Hub Simulation Simulation (Apple Inc.)
|-- IOUSBHostDevice
|-- IR Receiver (Apple Computer, Inc.)
|-- USB Receiver (Logitech)
|-- Root Hub Simulation Simulation (Apple Inc.)
|-- FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) (Apple Inc.) [s/n: DJHB1V077FDH5HL0]
|-- IOUSBHostDevice
|-- Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad (Apple Inc.)
|-- BRCM2070 Hub (Apple Inc.)
|-- Bluetooth USB Host Controller (Apple Inc.)
|-- Root Hub Simulation Simulation (Apple Inc.)
|-- IOUSBHostDevice
|-- Apple Thunderbolt Display (Apple Inc.) [s/n: 162C0C25]
|-- Display Audio (Apple Inc.) [s/n: 162C0C25]
|-- FaceTime HD Camera (Display) (Apple Inc.) [s/n: CCGCAN000TDJ7DFX]
|-- USB2.0 Hub
|-- ANT USBStick2 (Dynastream Innovations) [s/n: 051]
|-- Fitbit Base Station (Fitbit Inc.)
- Snapshot releases may be deployed using
mvn clean deploy
- The version number in the pom.xml must end in -SNAPSHOT
- Make sure tests are green on Travis CI.
- Run
mvn clean test
on every OS you have access to - Choose an appropriate version number for the release
- Proactively change version numbers in the download links on
- HTML-escape
, and>
in any links in the site version
- HTML-escape
- Move "Your contribution here." to a new empty "Next" section
- Commit changes as a "prep for x.x release"
- Proactively change version numbers in the download links on
See this page for a summary of the below steps
mvn clean deploy
- Do a final snapshot release and fix any errors in the javadocs
- If license headers are rewritten as part of this deployment, commit the changes
mvn release:clean
- Takes a few seconds
mvn release:prepare
- Takes a few minutes
- This will ask for the version being released, removing -SNAPSHOT
- This will suggest the next version, increment appropriately
mvn release:perform
- Takes a few minutes.
- This pushes the release to the Nexus staging repository
Log on to Nexus and release the deployment from OSSRH to the Central Repository .
Add a title and release notes to the tag on GitHub and publish the release to make it current.
As development progresses, update version in pom.xml using -SNAPSHOT appended to the new version using Semantic Versioning standards:
- Increment major version (x.0) for API-breaking changes or additions
- Increment minor version (x.1) for substantive additions, bugfixes and changes that are backwards compatible
- Increment patch version (x.x.1) for minor bugfixes or changes that are backwards compatible
Part of this article is from OSHI