Apollo is an open source project to aid with building and deploying IAAS and PAAS services. It is particularly geared towards managing containerized applications across multiple hosts, and big data type workloads. Apollo leverages other open source components to provide basic mehanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of infrastructure and applications.
Apollo is built on top of the following components:
- Packer for automating the build of the base images
- Terraform for provisioning the infrastructure
- Apache Mesos for cluster management, scheduling and resource isolation
- Consul for service discovery, DNS
- Docker for application container runtimes
- Weave for networking of docker containers
Apollo is:
- highly-available: multi-datacenter
- fault-tolerant: Mesos / Consul master quorum with data replication
- portable: public, private, hybrid, multi cloud
Apollo Use Cases:
- Build your own PAAS
- Large scale CI (using the Jenkins framework)
- Docker container management and orchestration (Marathon framework, Kubernetes)
- Hadoop / Big data platform (Storm framework + others)
For available Mesos frameworks see https://docs.mesosphere.com/frameworks/. If you get one of these working on Apollo, please do contribute the setup back!
Apollo can run anywhere!
However, initial development is primarily happening on AWS so most of our instructions and scripts are built around that. Stayed tuned for more cloud provider support! If you make it work on other infrastructure please let us know and contribute instructions/code.
Apollo is in alpha!
While the concepts and base architectural components of Apollo are not expected to change drastically, the project is still under heavy development. Expect bugs, design and API changes as we bring it to a stable, production ready, multi-cloud available product.
## Architecture
The above architecture is representative of Apollo cluster on AWS VPC.
- Getting Started Guides
- for people who want to create an Apollo cluster
- in docs/getting-started-guides
- Demonstrators and Examples
- Coming soon...
- Roadmap
- Components
- for people who want to know more about the individual components and the decisions behind selecting them
- in docs/components