Author: Kris Borchers Level: Intermediate Technologies: HTML5, REST, Apache Cordova Summary: Based on kitchensink, but uses hybrid HTML5 running as a native application on mobiles Target Product: WFK
This project serves as an example of AeroGear's kitchensink quickstart, converted to an Apache Cordova based, hybrid application.
What does all of that mean? Basically, this takes our HTML5 + REST / jQuery Mobile based web app and converts it to a native app for both iOS and Android. Currently, these apps will need to be built separately but in the future we hope to provide a single build step for all supported mobile OS types. These concepts can be applied to the conversion of most HTML5/JS based web apps by just replacing the specific paths described in this article with paths that match your environment.
The following is a list of the currently available hybrid applications. For more detailed information about a quickstart, click on the quickstart name.
This quickstart contains the following mobile OS types: