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General description

In this directory there are playbooks for provisioning L2VNI (L2 Overlay) for Campus EVPN Fabric.


Below you can find a topology which is used in the automation scenario


Quick start

For the quick start with L2VNI provisioning next steps have to be executed:

Step 1

On this step Underaly is provisioned.

Step 1a

Edit inventory.yml and set proper name and management ip address.



Detailed information could be found here

Step 1b

Edit group_vars/all.yml and set proper login and password

ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.network_cli
ansible_network_os: cisco.ios.ios
ansible_python_interpreter: "python"
ansible_user: cisco
ansible_ssh_pass: cisco123

ansible_user must have privildge level 15. Example of the configuration is below

username cisco privilege 15 password 0 cisco123

If enable password should be used, check the Enable Mode documentation.

Detailed information could be found here

Step 1c

Edit host_vars/<hostname>.yml and set required parameters for underlay

hostname: 'Leaf-01'

 ipv4_uni: 'yes'
 ipv6_uni: 'yes'
 ipv4_multi: 'yes'


    name: 'Routing Loopback'
    ip_address: ''
    subnet_mask: ''
    loopback: 'yes'
    pim_enable: 'no'

Detailed information could be found here.

Step 1d

📌 This step is optional but recommended.

Run the underlay preview playbook. This playbook generates the configuration for preview without deploying it to the network devices.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_underlay_preview.yml

The files <hostname>-underlay.txt could be found in the directory cat9k-evpn-ansible/l2vni/preview_files

#cat preview_files/Leaf-01-underlay.txt

! hostname block 
hostname Leaf-01

! global routing block 
ip routing
ipv6 unicast-routing
ip multicast-routing


Step 1e

Run the underlay provisioning playbook. It is possible to see in terminal logs all the changes - how to do this.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_underlay_commit.yml

Detailed information could be found here.

Step 2

On this step Overlay is provisioned.

Step 2a

Edit the group_vars/overlay_db.yml file and set desired parameters for EVPN overlay.

    replication_type: 'static'
    router_id: 'Loopback1'
    default_gw: 'yes'


Detailed information could be found here

Step 2b

📌 This step is optional but recommended

Run the yml config validation playbook. This playbook checks for issues in the file group_vars/overlay_db.yml

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_yml_validation.yml

Step 2c

📌 This step is optional but recommended

Run the network precheck playbook. It will check if the activated license and current version. Also underlay reachibility between "nve loopback" is checked.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_overlay_precheck.yml 

Step 2d

📌 This step is optional but recommended

Run the overlay preview playbook. This playbook generates the configuration for preview without deploying it to the network devices.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_overlay_preview.yml

The files <hostname>-overlay.txt could be found in the directory cat9k-evpn-ansible/l2vni/preview_files

#cat preview_files/Leaf-01-overlay.txt 
! vlan block
vlan 101
name Access_VLAN_101
vlan 102
name Access_VLAN_102
vlan 103
name Access_VLAN_103
vlan 104
name Access_VLAN_104
vlan 105
name Access_VLAN_105

! l2vpn evpn global block
l2vpn evpn
replication-type static
router-id Loopback1


Step 2e

Run the overlay provisioning playbook. It is possible to see in terminal logs all the changes - how to do this.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_overlay_commit.yml

Detailed information could be found here

Step 3

On this step Access Interfaces are provisioned.

Step 3a

Edit the host_vars/access_intf/<nodename>.yml files and set desired parameters for access interfaces.

    - GigabitEthernet1/0/6
    - GigabitEthernet1/0/7
  access_vlan: 102

Step 3b

📌 This step is optional but recommended

Run the access interfaces preview playbook. This playbook generates the configuration for preview without deploying it to the network devices.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_access_add_preview.yml

The files <hostname>-add-intf.txt could be found in the directory cat9k-evpn-ansible/l2vni/preview_files

#cat preview_files/Leaf-01-add-intf.txt

! access interface block 
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
switchport trunk allowed vlan 101,102,201,202
switchport mode trunk
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7
switchport trunk allowed vlan 101,102,201,202


Step 3c

Run the Access Interfaces provisioning playbook. It is possible to see in terminal logs all the changes - how to do this.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook_access_add_commit.yml

Detailed information could be found here

Playbook usage

Initial provisioning


Incremental provisioning


Playbooks description

Underlay provisioning


  • the playbook generates the config in text format for underlay for preview


  • the playbook is used for provisioning configuration for the underlay to the remote devices

Overlay provisioning


  • the playbook checks file group_vars/overlay_db.yml for possible issues


  • the playbook checks IOS-XE version and license level for compatibility with EVPN feature on Cat9k. Additionaly the playbook checks underaly reachibility between NVE loopbacks


  • the playbook generates config in text format for overlay for preview


  • the playbook is used for provisioning configuration for the overlay to the remote devices

Incremental overlay adding


  • the playbook is checking overlay_db.yml, current configuration on the switch and generate internal configuration files in

directory host_vars/inc_vars/

⚠️ This playbook is used internally and should not be run separately by user.


  • the playbook is used to generate list of commands which have to be entered on remote device based on

inputs from host_vars/inc_vars/<hostname>.yml. Output could be checked in preview_files/<hostname>-inc.txt


  • the playbook is used for provisioning incremental add changes to the remote devices

Incremental overlay deleting


  • the playbook checks group_vars/overlay_db.yml, group_vars/delete_vars.yml and current configuration on the switch

and generates internal configuration files in the directory host_vars/delete_vars/

⚠️ This playbook is used internally and should not be run separately by user.


  • the playbook generates list of commands which have to be entered on the remote device based on

inputs from playbook_overlay_delete_preview.yml


  • the playbook is used for provisioning incremental delete changes to the remote devices

Access interface provisioning


  • the playbook generates config for access interfaces for preview


  • the playbook is used for provisioning configuration for the access interfaces to the remote devices


  • the playbook generates config for incremental changes for the access interfaces for preview


  • the playbook is used for provisioning configuration for incremental changes for the access interfaces to the remote devices

Special playbooks


  • the playbook reverts the current configuration back to initial default_config.txt


  • the playbook is used for collecting outputs from the remote devices


Detailed documentation could be found here