Code to analyse the carbon footprint of NZ and UK electricity generation over time.
Quick links:
- snapshot of UK covid 19 lockdown to May 31st 2020 analysis
- latest UK covid 19 lockdown analysis:
- up to June 17th 2020
New Zealand
- initial NZ analysis of 1998 - 2018 wholesale gen data
- [updated NZ analysis](nz/NZ Electricity Generation Trends 1998-2020_Exploring wholesale data v1.0_Final.html) of 1999 - 2019 (and some 2020) wholesale gen data
- [initial New Zealand covid 19 lockdown](nz/NZ Electricity Generation_covid 19 lockdown v1.0.html) analysis
- [initial New Zealand GHG emissions over time analysis](nz/NZ Electricity Generation_GHG intensity trends v1.0.html) analysis
The repo is intentionally structured as an R package. To install it do:
As ever.