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128 lines (86 loc) · 3.4 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (86 loc) · 3.4 KB

Oracle XE 11g Express Edition


Destination Folder: C:\oraclexe\
Oracle Home: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\
Oracle Base:C:\oraclexe\
Port for 'Oracle Database Listener': 1521
Port for 'Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server': 2030
Port for 'Oracle HTTP Listener': 8080

This is all done in cmd as administrator all parameter files for a database must exist in the Oracle HOME (see above) cd C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\database vim initabit.ora db_name=tabit control_files="C:\database\oradata\tabit\control01.ctl"

set variables:
set ORACLE_SID=tabit

[to see that the value was set properly type echo %ORACLE_SID%]

set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\

[same as above]

create a windows service oradim -new -sid tabit [this automatically starts service]

[how to delete -> oradim -delete -sid tabit]

to start service: net start OracleServicetabit to stop service: net stop OracleServicetabit

cd .. into bin

connect to the sid (tabit) with the highest authority sqlplus / as sysdba look for the initabit.ora file it opens it determines db_name SQL>startup;


Create a createdb sql file to be executed [location can be anywhere i put them in the following directory C:\oraclexe\scripts] so create a folder called scripts and then cd to that folder using any text editor (i have VIM installed on my laptop) Copy the following

vim createdb.sql
	create database tabit
	maxinstances 2
	maxloghistory 1
	maxlogfiles 16
	maxlogmembers 5
	maxdatafiles 100
	datafile 'C:\database\oradata\tabit\system01.dbf' size 300m
	reuse autoextend on next 10240k maxsize unlimited
	extent management local
	sysaux datafile 'C:\database\oradata\tabit\sysaux01.dbf' size 120m reuse
	default temporary tablespace temp tempfile
	'C:\database\oradata\tabit\temp01.dbf' size 10m reuse autoextend on
	next 640k maxsize unlimited
	undo tablespace undotbs1 datafile 'C:\database\oradata\tabit\undotbs1.dbf' size 100m reuse autoextend on next 5120k maxsize unlimited
	character set we8mswin1252
	national character set al16utf16
	logfile group 1 ('C:\database\oradata\tabit\redo01.log') size 10m,
	group 2 ('C:\database\oradata\tabit\redo02.log') size 10m,
	group 3 ('C:\database\oradata\tabit\redo03.log') size 10m

go back to C:\

mkdir database cd database mkdir oradata cd oradata mkdir tabit cd tabit

sqlplus / as sysdba

now execute the command from scripts SQL> @C:\oraclexe\scripts\createdb.sql;

wait a few moments... BOOM! Database created.


cd to C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\rdbms\admin

now connect to sqlplus

sqlplus / as sysdba

enter the following command to execute it

SQL> @?\rdbms\admin\catalog.sql;

after completion

SQL> @?\rdbms\admin\catproc.sql;

And now besides the XE database we have a TABIT database.

how to create a user and grant access (this is all done from the command line)

sqlplus / as sysdba

create user nanunezr identified by password tabit0427;
grant connect to nanunezr;
grant connect, resource, dba to nanunezr;
grant create session to nanunezr;
grant unlimited tablespace to nanunezr;
grant select, update, insert, delete on TABLENAMES*** to nanunezr;


now to log in as a regular user and with all privileges instead of dba admin


Enter username: nanunezr;
Enter password: tabit0427;

and you are now logged in