LPIPS metric. pip install lpips
This is an official pytorch implementation of Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution Network.
A New Optimization Technique for Deep Neural Networks
Implementations of "Learning Euler's Elastica Model for Medical Image Segmentation"
The official Pytorch implementation of OCNet, OCRNet, and SegFix.
Support PointRend, Fast_SCNN, HRNet, Deeplabv3_plus(xception, resnet, mobilenet), ContextNet, FPENet, DABNet, EdaNet, ENet, Espnetv2, RefineNet, UNet, DANet, HRNet, DFANet, HardNet, LedNet, OCNet, …
来自一位 Pythonista 的编程经验分享,内容涵盖编码技巧、最佳实践与思维模式等方面。
Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.
Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
Evaluation code of CHAOS challenge in MATLAB, Python and Julia languages.
A collection of loss functions for medical image segmentation
How Distance Transform Maps Boost Segmentation CNNs: An Empirical Study
A ShadowsocksR client for Android
Signal Processing toolbox, including DFT, IDFT, Wavelet, τp transform, HHT. Besides, this repository aslo has other useful functions, such as 1D/2D Convolution, Cross-Correlation, Filtering and Den…
Image Inpainting via Generative Multi-column Convolutional Neural Networks, NeurIPS2018
Image registration laboratory for 2D and 3D image data
Unsupervised Learning for Image Registration
[CVPR 2018] Look at Boundary: A Boundary-Aware Face Alignment Algorithm
Perfect implement. Model shared. x0.5 (Top1:60.646) and 1.0x (Top1:69.402).
Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
[CVPR 2019]: Pluralistic Image Completion
matlab and python wrap of crf and dense crf, both 2d and 3d are supported
Another new GFRNet Pytorch Implementation
Learning Symmetry Consistent Deep CNNs for Face Completion