contains a simple C++ client for the OS1 sensorouster_ros/
contains an example ROS node for publishing point cloud messagesouster_viz/
contains a visualizer for an OS1 sensor
- The sample client requires a compiler supporting C++11 or newer and CMake
- Build with
cd /path/to/ouster_example/ouster_client && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
- The sample client includes a small driver program that just prints some data to the terminal
- Make sure the OS1 is connected to the network and has obtained a dhcp lease. See accompanying documentation for more details
- You should see a binary called
in your build directory on success - Run
ouster_client_example <os1_hostname> <udp_data_dest>
is the hostname or IP address of the OS1 sensor, and<udp_data_dest>
is the IP to which the sensor should send lidar data
- The visualizer is not built using ROS
- Build with
cd /path/to/ouster_example/ouster_viz && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
- The example visualiser can be used to display point clouds and range/intensity/noise images for the OS1 sensor
- You should see a binary called "viz" in your build directory on success
- Run
./viz <os1_hostname> <udp_data_dest>
, passing the same arguments as forouster_client_example
- The visualizer is not built using ROS
- Build with
cd /path/to/ouster_example/ouster_viz && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
- The example visualiser can be used to display point clouds and range/intensity/noise images for the OS1 sensor
- You should see a binary called "viz" in your build directory on success
- Run
./viz <os1_hostname> <udp_data_dest_ip>
, passing the same arguments as forouster_client_example
- Supports Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic (for ouster_ros)
- ROS installation instructions can be found here
- Additionally requires ros-kinetic-pcl-ros and, optionally, ros-kinetic-rviz for visualization
- Be sure to source the ROS setup script before building. For example:
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
- Both packages can be built by catkin by moving them into a catkin workspace
- Build with
mkdir myworkspace && cd myworkspace && ln -s /path/to/ouster_example ./src && catkin_make
- Set up the ROS environment with
source /path/to/myworkspace/devel/setup.bash
in a new terminal for each command below - For use with a running sensor:
- To publish OS1 data as ROS topic
roslaunch ouster_ros os1.launch os1_hostname:=<os1_hostname> os1_udp_dest:=<udp_data_dest>
can be the hostname or IP of the OS1 device and<udp_data_dest>
is the IP to which the sensor should send data - To record raw sensor output, run
rosbag record /os1_node/imu_packets /os1_node/lidar_packets
in another terminal - Note: os1_node/lidar_packets and os1_node/imu_packets are the "raw data" topics, while os1_node/points is the ROS compatible XYZ topic and os1_node/imu is the ROS compatible IMU topic
- To visualize output, run
rviz -d /path/to/ouster_ros/viz.rviz
in another terminal
- To publish OS1 data as ROS topic
- For use with recorded sensor data:
- To replay raw sensor output, run
roslaunch ouster_ros os1.launch replay:=true
- In a second terminal, run
rosbag play --clock <bagfile>
- To visualize output, run
rviz -d /path/to/ouster_ros/viz.rviz
in another terminal
- To replay raw sensor output, run
- Sample raw sensor output is available here