Extra modules:
- aruco. ArUco Marker Detection
- bgsegm. Improved Background-Foreground Segmentation Methods
- bioinspired. Biologically inspired vision models and derivated tools
- ccalib. Custom Calibration Pattern for 3D reconstruction
- cnn_3dobj. 3D object recognition and pose estimation API
- cvv. GUI for Interactive Visual Debugging of Computer Vision Programs
- datasets. Framework for working with different datasets
- dnn. Deep Neural Network module
- dpm. Deformable Part-based Models
- face. Face Recognition
- freetype. Drawing UTF-8 strings with freetype/harfbuzz
- fuzzy. Image processing based on fuzzy mathematics
- hdf. Hierarchical Data Format I/O routines
- line_descriptor. Binary descriptors for lines extracted from an image
- matlab. MATLAB Bridge
- optflow. Optical Flow Algorithms
- phase_unwrapping. Phase Unwrapping API
- plot. Plot function for Mat data
- reg. Image Registration
- rgbd. RGB-Depth Processing
- saliency. Saliency API
- sfm. Structure From Motion
- stereo. Stereo Correspondance Algorithms
- structured_light. Structured Light API
- surface_matching. Surface Matching
- text. Scene Text Detection and Recognition
- tracking. Tracking API
- xfeatures2d. Extra 2D Features Framework
- ximgproc. Extended Image Processing
- xobjdetect. Extended object detection
- xphoto. Additional photo processing algorithms