Due Tools
test : definition
- od - Send Selected OmniFocus tasks to Due.app
- dam - Quick Task – Morning (6 AM)
- dm - Quick Task – Middle Day (11:30 PM)
- ded - Quick Task – End of the Day (4 PM)
- de - Quick Task – Evening (6 PM)
- dd - Postpone by One Day
- dh - Postpone by One Hour
- ds - Postpone by 10 Minutes
- dpl - Pomodoro Long Break Timer
- dps - Pomodoro Short Break Timer
- dpw - Pomodoro Work Timer
- dq - Create a Sequential Task
NB: The second task created by the sequential task action NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED ON AN iOS DEVICE.
Search NerdQuery and displays results in Alfred's item pane.
A workflow for (OneLook)[http://onelook.com].
Returns the Quick Definitions.
- Enter: Open OpenLink results page.
- CMD+Enter: Display definition as Large Text
- CMD+Enter: Copy definition to clipboard
Returns results from the the reverse lookup
- Enter: Open in Safari
- CMD+Enter: Copy selected term to clipboard
Returns results from OneLooks Advanced Search
Enter: Open in Safari CMD+Enter: Copy selected term to clipboard
- bluebird - Find definitions of bluebird
- blue* - Find words and phrases that start with blue
- *bird - Find words and phrases that end with bird
- bl????rd - Find words that start with bl, end with rd, and have 4 letters in between
- bl*:snow - Find words that start with bl and have a meaning related to snow
- *:snow or :snow - Find any words related to snow
- *:winter sport - Find words related to the concept winter sport
- winter* - Find phrases that contain the word winter
- expand:nasa - Find phrases that spell out n.a.s.a.
- pfd - Toggle dual pane
- pfcr - Copy selection to right pane
- pfcl - Copy selection to left pane
- pfmr - Move selection to right pane
- pfcl - Move selection to left pane
- pftw - Trigger my Work Path Finder tab set 1
- pftc - Trigger my Code Path Finder tab set 2
- pftn - Trigger my Notes Path Finder tab set 3
- pfyx - Trigger my OS X Path Finder tab set 4
- pftp - Toggle preview pane
- pfbr - Batch rename files
- pfnt - Create a new text file
- pfdi - Create new disk image
- pfhe - Hex editor
- pfcs - Checksum (MD5)
- pflw - Label directory 'Working' (orange)
- pflc - Clear label
- pfla - Label - 'Pay Attention' (red)
- pfad - Add selection to Drop Stack
- pfgi - Toggle invisible files
- pfsp - Swap panes
- pfgp - Toggle package contents
- pfwf - Find window
- pfwg - Git window
- pfwt - Tags and Rating window
Not Shown:
- familypic - Opens a specific directory in a new tab
- familyvid - Opens a specific directory in a new tab
- pstream - Opens iCloud photostream
NB: I use the very helpful Applescript: menu_click
, by Jacob Rus