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DB setup and sql statements relevant for the MySql database backing

Prepare the database for development

Install MySql 5.5 and above

  1. Download MySQL Community Server version 5.5 or 5.6 for the platform of your choice.
  2. Install the MySQL Server
  3. Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows
  4. Installing MySQL on Linux
  • The development database for Podcastpedia runs on port 3307, so install the database on that port, or change the port in jett9.xml or context.xml file, depending whether you are using Jetty or Tomcat for testing the application
  1. Optional - install MySQL Workbench for easy DB development and administration
  2. Setup MySQL configuration file
  3. For Windows place the configuration file where the MySQL server is installed - the my.ini file from above is an example used on a Windows 7 machine
  4. For linux you need to use .cnf files. You can see in this blog post -Optimizing MySQL server settings - how the MySQL database is configured in production for

Connect to the MySql console

Use the MySql "root" user, configured at installation

shell> mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=root

Introduce your "root" password

Create database and development DB user

Once you are connected to the MySQL command line execute the following commands:

-- delete the podcast_db database if existent
mysql> DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS podcast_db;

--create the podcast_db database
mysql> CREATE DATABASE podcast_db; 

-- drop 'podcast' user
mysql> DROP USER 'podcast'@'localhost';

-- create the development user 'podcast' identified by the password 'podcast'
CREATE USER 'podcast'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'podcast';

-- verify user creation
mysql> select host, user, password from mysql.user;
| host      | user        | password                                  |
| localhost | root        | *C2BD8E7A5247DF69A9A8CB29C8C6E8FC83D3681F |
| | root        | *C2BD8E7A5247DF69A9A8CB29C8C6E8FC83D3681F |
| ::1       | root        | *C2BD8E7A5247DF69A9A8CB29C8C6E8FC83D3681F |
| %         | pcm_user    | *32D8ED777E1B90734ED5A6AFCD0E354230826743 |
| %         | rest_demo   | *3B8DD81985A42FD9B56133326F3B25A2985A3F75 |
*** | localhost | podcast         | *68DC5C435B9AAA7280CA4C89391C28EFEEC0E946 |***
| localhost | pdp_user    | *F776A21503EFA57908FEF30C914DFB9A9FC78EF3 |

-- verify user privileges
mysql> SELECT host, user, select_priv, insert_priv, update_priv, delete_priv, create_priv, alter_priv, password FROM mysql.user WHERE user='podcast';

-- should have no(N) privileges
| host      | user | select_priv | insert_priv | update_priv | delete_priv | create_priv | alter_priv |
| localhost | podcast  | N           | N           | N           | N           | N           | N          |

-- grant full privileges to the user, for easy development
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'podcast'@'localhost';

-- verify privileges were set (Y)
mysql> SELECT host, user, select_priv, insert_priv, update_priv, delete_priv, create_priv, alter_priv, password FROM mysql.user WHERE user='podcast';

| host      | user | select_priv | insert_priv | update_priv | delete_priv | create_priv | alter_priv |
| localhost | podcast  | Y           | Y           | Y           | Y           | Y           | Y          |

-- exit the mysql command line

Import database from file

Once the "podcast_db" and "podcast" user are set up, import the "db-import.sql" file into the podcast_db database:

mysql --user=podcast --password=podcast podcast_db < "PATH_TO_FILE\import-db.sql"
-- e.g. mysql --user=podcast --password=podcast podcast_db < "C:\projects\podcastpedia\sql\src\main\resources\import-db.sql"

Wait for a little while and then you can verify that everything was OK by connecting to the mysql command line and issuing "show tables" or "select from a table" commands:

-- connect to the database with the development user
mysql --host=localhost --user=podcast --password=podcast

-- use the podcastpedia database
mysql> USE podast_db;

-- show tables imported
mysql> SHOW TABLES; 

-- select data from a table, e.g. "categories"
mysql> SELECT * from categories;
| CATEGORY_ID | NAME                  | DESCRIPTION        |
|          21 | science_technology    | science            |
|          22 | education             | education          |
|          24 | arts_culture          | Arts & culture     |
|          25 | health_medicine       | Health             |
|          27 | music                 | Music              |
|          28 | religion_spirituality | Religion           |
|          29 | tv_film               | science            |
|          31 | sport                 | Sport              |
|          33 | economy               | Economy            |
|          35 | hobby_freetime        | Hobby & free time  |
|          37 | family_children       | Family & children  |
|          38 | travel_transport      | Travel & Transport |
|          39 | people_society        | People             |
|          41 | internet_computer     | Internet           |
|          42 | news_politics         | News               |
|          43 | radio                 | Radio              |
|          44 | money_business        | Money              |
|          45 | entertainment         | Entertainment      |
|          46 | food_drink            | Food and drink     |
|          47 | nature_environment    | Nature             |
|          48 | general               | General            |
|          49 | history               | History            |

Backup the database (optional)

If you ever want to backup up the database you can use mysqldump, by issuing a command similar to the following on the command line:

shell> mysqldump pcmdb -u pcm -p -h --single-transaction > c:/tmp/podcast_db-backup-2014.06.22.sql

This is a step by step way of setting up the podcast_db database via MySql command. The easier way is of course by using the Maven plugin as presented in the project's README file