In the Kata you should write a function to convert from Arabic numerals to Roman Numerals.
The Romans wrote numbers using letters:
I --> 1
V --> 5
X --> 10
L --> 50
C --> 100
D --> 500
M --> 1000
Some examples of the roman numerals are:
1 --> I 11 --> XI 400 --> CD
2 --> II 12 --> XII 500 --> D
3 --> III 13 --> XIII 900 --> CM
4 --> IV 14 --> XIV 1000 --> M
5 --> V 15 --> XV 2000 --> MM
6 --> VI 20 --> XX
7 --> VII 40 --> XL
8 --> VIII 50 --> L
9 --> IX 90 --> XC
10 --> X 100 --> C
More information about Roman numerals
There is no need to be able to convert numbers larger than about 3000.
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