An Anti-Phishing Extension Powered by CoinSummer Labs.
Take advantage of our key features: automatic detection of user-entered URLs to filter and block phishing sites, a customizable website whitelist, and advanced interception of Web3 Permit operations.
Phishing Site Interception Our extension
automatically detects URLs entered by the user, based on user-defined whitelist rules. If a URL is not recognized on the whitelist, access will be blocked to protect users from phishing sites.
Customizable Whitelist
Users can choose to rely on our official whitelist, which includes over 90% of legitimate Web3 sites and most commonly used Web2 sites. Additionally, users have the flexibility to configure their own personalized local whitelist.
Interception of Web3 Permit Operations Unauthorized Web3 Permit operations result in significant losses every day. By leveraging our Web3 Permit interception feature, users can effectively prevent accidental authorization of Permits, ensuring the safety of their crypto assets.