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🦊 baserepo

This is Comamoca's template repository.

🍔English 🍡日本語

🚀 How to use

# Let's write how to use it here.
  • How to use
  • It is also possible to make bullet points
  • It ’s good.

⬇️ Install

Let's write the installation method for each OS of Windows, Linux, Mac. It's still nice to write the method for each Linux distribution.

If you distribute it in binary, write about the release page as well.

Also, write about how to install from source.

⛏️ Development

# Let's write here how to build an environment for development.

📝 Todo

  • Write here what you need to do in your project.
  • It's even better to use it with the Github Project.

📜 License

Licenses are important for open source. Be sure to write it.

🧩 Modules

Let's write about the library used. If you have a tool that can be automatically generated, make use of it.

👏 Affected projects

Write a project that inspired you to develop.

💕 Special Thanks

Write about the tools and libraries that helped you develop. Also, pay homage to those developers.