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All of the rest of the commands will be run from the directory examples/GKE-on-Prem-logging-and-metrics
Logging and metrics tools like Filebeat, Fluentd, Metricbeat, Prometheus, etc. run as DameonSets. To deploy DaemonSets you need the cluster role binding cluster-admin-binding
. Create it now:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud config get-value account)
This uses the Guestbook app from the Kubernetes docs. The YAML has been concatenated into a single manifest, and Apache HTTP mod Status has been enabled for metrics gathering.
Before you deploy the manifest have a look at the frontend service. You may need to edit this service so that the service is exposed to your internal network. The network topology of the lab where this example was developed has a load balancer in front of the GKE On-Prem environment, and so the service specifies an IP Address associated with the load balancer. Your configuration will likely be different.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: frontend
app: guestbook
tier: frontend
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
app: guestbook
tier: frontend
Edit the guestbook.yaml manifest as appropriate and then deploy it.
kubectl create -f guestbook.yaml
Check to see that the application is deployed and reachable on your network:
kubectl get pods -n default
kubectl get services -n default
Open a browser to the IP Address associated with the frontend
service at port 80.
Rather than putting the Elasticsearch and Kibana endpoints into the manifest files they are provided to the Filebeat pods as k8s secrets. Edit the files elasticsearch-hosts-ports
and kibana-host-port
and then create the secret:
kubectl create secret generic elastic-stack \
--from-file=./elasticsearch-hosts-ports \
--from-file=./kibana-host-port --namespace=kube-system
Filebeat and Metricbeat provide the configuration for things like web servers, caches, proxies, operating systems, container environments, databases, etc. These are referred to as Beats modules. By deploying these configurations you will be populating Elasticsearch and Kibana with visualizations, dashboards, machine learning jobs, etc.
kubectl create -f filebeat-setup.yaml
kubectl create -f metricbeat-setup.yaml
kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep beat
Verify that the setup pods complete Check the logs for the setup pods to ensure that they connected to Elasticsearch and Kibana (the setup pod connects to both)
kubectl create -f filebeat-kubernetes.yaml
kubectl create -f metricbeat-kubernetes.yaml
Note: Depending on your k8s Node configuration, you may not need to deploy Jounalbeat. If your Nodes use journald for logging, then deploy Journalbeat, otherwise Filebeat will get the logs
kubectl create -f journalbeat-kubernetes.yaml
kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep beat
Verify that there is one filebeat, metricbeat, and journalbeat pod per k8s Node running.
Check the logs for and one of the DaemonSet pods to ensure that they connected to Elasticsearch.
View your logs and metrics in Kibana.