Starred repositories
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
All Algorithms implemented in Python
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
The Python micro framework for building web applications.
A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to clo…
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and…
Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
Ray is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.
中文分词 词性标注 命名实体识别 依存句法分析 成分句法分析 语义依存分析 语义角色标注 指代消解 风格转换 语义相似度 新词发现 关键词短语提取 自动摘要 文本分类聚类 拼音简繁转换 自然语言处理
Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol.
💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
⚡ A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
Accelerate your web app development | Build fast. Run fast.
Stable Diffusion with Core ML on Apple Silicon
A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line