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Several Turing+ demonstration programs.

To compile "prog.t", use "./tpc prog.t", and "./prog.x" to run the result.

Use "make" to make them all.

31.t      - Enumerated and set type demo: choose Baskin-Robbins flavours of the month
ascii.t   - Char type demo: conversion to integer
bar.t     - Simple bar graph using character graphics
boxes.t   - String type demo: draw a varying size matrix of boxes of varing size
bubble.t  - Modules and functions demo: bubble sort a list of elements
bust.t    - Modules demo: Play the game of Blackjack
cannon.t  - Cannon shot physics simulation using character graphics
eights.t  - Play the game of Eights using character graphics
life.t    - Conway's mathematical Life simulation using character graphics
missile.t - Missile command arcade game using character graphics
phil.t    - Processes and monitors concurrency demo: the Dining Philosophers using character graphics
robots.t  - Robots arcade game using character graphics
wormwar.t - Wormwar arcade game using character graphics