a Run with only base properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | the Run | [optional] [readonly] |
state | RunState | [optional] | |
organization_id | str | the Organization id | [optional] |
workflow_id | str | the Cosmo Tech compute cluster Argo Workflow Id to search | [optional] |
csm_simulation_run | str | the Cosmo Tech Simulation Run Id | [optional] [readonly] |
generate_name | str | the base name for workflow name generation | [optional] |
workflow_name | str | the Cosmo Tech compute cluster Argo Workflow Name | [optional] |
owner_id | str | the user id which own this run | [optional] [readonly] |
workspace_id | str | the Workspace Id | [optional] [readonly] |
workspace_key | str | technical key for resource name convention and version grouping. Must be unique | [optional] [readonly] |
runner_id | str | the Runner Id | [optional] [readonly] |
solution_id | str | the Solution Id | [optional] [readonly] |
run_template_id | str | the Solution Run Template id | [optional] [readonly] |
compute_size | str | the compute size needed for this Analysis. Standard sizes are basic and highcpu. Default is basic | [optional] [readonly] |
created_at | str | the Run creation date | [optional] [readonly] |
dataset_list | List[str] | the list of Dataset Id associated to this Run | [optional] [readonly] |
parameters_values | List[RunTemplateParameterValue] | the list of Run Template parameters values | [optional] [readonly] |
node_label | str | the node label request | [optional] [readonly] |
containers | List[RunContainer] | the containers list. This information is not returned by the API. | [optional] |
from cosmotech_api.models.run import Run
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of Run from a JSON string
run_instance = Run.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
run_dict = run_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of Run from a dict
run_from_dict = Run.from_dict(run_dict)