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Install Tiledesk with Kubernetes and Helm

Tiledesk is an open source live chat platform.


This chart bootstraps a Tiledesk deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Cluster Requirements

To install the Tiledesk chart, you need an existing Kubernetes cluster. The requirements of the single pods can vary dependent on the model size and the number of users. We recommend providing at least the following resources:

Deployment CPU Memory
tiledesk-server 1 1GB
mongodb 0,5 512MB
tiledesk-dashboard 0,2 200MB
chat21-web-widget 0,2 200MB
chat21-ionic 0,2 200MB
chat21-server 0,5 512MB
chat21-http-server 0,2 200MB
rabbitmq 0,2 512MB

We recommend a size at least 30 GiB for the database volume claim.

N1-standard-1 type is the minimum cluster type if you choose GKE.

Adding repo

helm repo add tiledesk

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-tiledesk:

helm install my-tiledesk tiledesk/tiledesk

PAY-ATTENTION: helm release-name must contains 'tiledesk' word as suffix or prefix (e.g. my-tiledesk)

The command deploys Tiledesk on the Kubernetes cluster in the default namespace.

Open the dashboard

Open the browser at http://<YOUR_INGRESS_IP>/dashboard/ (ATTENTION the final slash is required) and signin as admin with :

You can get the Ingress Ip from the Address column running kubectl get ingress my-tiledesk-proxy-nginx

Accessing Logs

This section describes how to get logs from the running containers.

  1. Get the name of the pod which you want to get the logs of with: kubectl get pods If namespace is used run : kubectl --namespace <your namespace> get pods The output should be similar to this
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-controller-5c798c9ffc-t5wmb             1/1     Running   0          50d
nginx-ingress-default-backend-7db6cc5bf-qgdtb         1/1     Running   0          50d
tiledesk-helm-1593793077-dashboard-6f4654c465-f566q   1/1     Running   0          51d
tiledesk-helm-1593793077-ionic-56b474d986-jgqsl       1/1     Running   0          51d
tiledesk-helm-1593793077-mongodb-6d4fdf5965-kbcdg     1/1     Running   0          51d
tiledesk-helm-1593793077-server-5c4cbf75f5-v2d67      1/1     Running   0          48d
tiledesk-helm-1593793077-webwidget-7445fb45cc-gdpmd   1/1     Running   0          51d

tiledesk-helm-1593793077 is for example the name of the Tiledesk deployment.

  1. To get the logs of the container run: kubectl --namespace <your namespace> logs -f <name of the pod>


The default Tiledesk Ingress is configured whitout the hostname, so the rule applies to all inbound HTTP traffic through the IP address specified. There are other ingress hosts in the configuration but they are disabled by default. See the values.yaml file.


Common Parameters

Name Description Value
mongodb.enabled Enable MongoDB® chart true
MONGODB_URI The mongodb connection uri for Tiledesk server mongodb://{{tiledesk.fullname}}-mongodb/tiledesk
CHAT21_MONGODB_URI The mongodb connection uri for chat21 messaging system mongodb://{{tiledesk.fullname}}-mongodb/chat21
WEB_CLICK_ACTION The Web click action url for web push notification
EMAIL_ENABLED Enable email module false
EMAIL_HOST The smtp email host
EMAIL_USERNAME The smtp email username
EMAIL_PASSWORD The smtp email password
EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS The smtp email from address
EMAIL_BASEURL The dashboard base url used by email template http://console.tiledesk.local/dashboard
CACHE_ENABLED Enable the redis cache module true
SUPER_PASSWORD Specify the Super Admin password superadmin
CLOUDAMQP_URL The Rabbit MQ connection string amqp://{{QUEUE_CREDENTIAL}}@{{tiledesk.fullname}}-rabbitmq:5672?heartbeat=60
server.resources Tiledesk Server pods' resource requests and limits {}
dashboard.resources Tiledesk Dashboard pods' resource requests and limits {}
ionic.resources Web Chat pods' resource requests and limits {}
webwidget.resources Widget pods' resource requests and limits {}
c21httpsrv.resources Chat21 Messaging HTTP endpoint pods' resource requests and limits {}
c21srv.resources Chat21 Messaging engine pods' resource requests and limits {}
ingress.enabled Set to true to enable ingress record generation true
server.image.repository Tiledesk server image repository tiledesk/tiledesk-server
server.image.repository Tiledesk server image tag

Other configurations (Optional)

Create an nginx Ingress controller

If your cluster doesn't have a built-in nginx ingress controller (ex. GKE) you must mannually deploy it with :

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

More info here:

Configure a Custom Domain

You can configure the Custom Domain passing the Ingress parameters inline without modifing the value.yaml file for the hosts as follow:

helm upgrade --recreate-pods my-tiledesk tiledesk/tiledesk --set EXTERNAL_BASE_URL=http://console.YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN --set ingress.hosts.hostconsole.enabled=true --set

Remember to create a DNS entry for your "console.YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN" domain or add it to your /etc/hosts file (just for local testing).

If you want you can disable the first ingress host "all inbound HTTP traffic through the IP address" adding : --set ingress.hosts.hostip.enabled=false. So you only have to log in using the domain name and not the ip.

Add --recreate-pods option to the above command if you want to be sure all the pods are restarted with the new values.

Complete example with console.tiledesk.local domain:

helm upgrade --recreate-pods my-tiledesk tiledesk/tiledesk --set EXTERNAL_BASE_URL=http://console.tiledesk.local --set ingress.hosts.hostconsole.enabled=true --set --set ingress.hosts.hostip.enabled=false

Configure TLS

See here how to configure TLS certificate for the Tiledesk installation.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are available only with a configured TLS certificate.

Useful instructions

Upgrade the Chart

To upgrade the my-tiledesk deployment:

helm upgrade --recreate-pods my-tiledesk tiledesk/tiledesk

Passing inline environment variables

To install the my-tiledesk deployment passing the parameters inline without modifing the value.yaml you can for example :

helm install my-tiledesk tiledesk/tiledesk --set EMAIL_ENABLED=true --set EMAIL_HOST=YOUR_EMAIL_HOST 

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-tiledesk deployment:

helm delete my-tiledesk

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.