This contract is a simplified travel insurance. The insurer compensate for flight delay according the table below.
Delay hours | Compensation |
4 or more | 5 Ether |
6 or more | 5 Ether or accountable expense no more than 15 Ether |
Insureds need to �apply in advance.
If the flight delays for 4 hours or more, insureds have to apply claim.
On the other side, flight information input is by the insurer and open for query.
Once the insurer calls sendClaim
, claims are cacluated and sent out automatically.
The insurer is responsable for deploying this contract. First compile the contract using Lity compiler.
lityc --abi --bin InsuranceClaim.lity
======= InsuranceClaim.lity:InsuranceClaim =======
Contract JSON ABI
Prepare the script for deploying. (Note that byte code and ABI are copied from compiler output.)
$ cat deploy.js
bytecode = "0x<bytecode>"
abi = "<ABI>"
var testContract = web3.cmt.contract(abi);
var test ={
data: bytecode,
gas: '4700000'
}, function (e, contract){
if (typeof contract.address !== 'undefined') {
console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);
Enter Travis console to deploy the contract.
$ travis attach http://localhost:8545
> personal.unlockAccount(<INSURER_ACCOUNT>, '<YOUR_PASSWORD>')
> loadScript('deploy.js')
Contract mined! address: <address> transactionHash: <hash>
Insureds apply insurance by applyInsurance()
with flightID as parameter. (Insurance fee is paid upon application.)
> cmt.getBalance(<INSURED_ACCOUNT>)
only enough for contract gas
> test.applyInsurance.sendTransaction(8888, {from:<INSURED_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})
The insurer updates flight information by addFlight
with flightID and flight delay as parameters.
> test.addFlight.sendTransaction(123, 5, {from:<INSURER_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})
The insured apply claim by applyClaim
with accountable expense as parameter.
> test.applyClaim.sendTransaction(8888000, {from:<INSURED_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})
Finally, the insurer send out compensation by sendClaim
> test.sendClaim.sendTransaction({from:<INSURER_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})
Insureds can check claim status and flight information by queryStatus
and queryFlight
> test.queryFlightDelay(8888)
> test.queryClaimReceived()
> cmt.getBalance(<INSURED_ACCOUNT>)
about 5 ether