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This contract is a simplified travel insurance. The insurer compensate for flight delay according the table below.

Delay hours Compensation
4 or more 5 Ether
6 or more 5 Ether or accountable expense no more than 15 Ether

Insureds need to �apply in advance. If the flight delays for 4 hours or more, insureds have to apply claim. On the other side, flight information input is by the insurer and open for query. Once the insurer calls sendClaim, claims are cacluated and sent out automatically.


The insurer is responsable for deploying this contract. First compile the contract using Lity compiler.

lityc --abi --bin InsuranceClaim.lity
======= InsuranceClaim.lity:InsuranceClaim =======
Contract JSON ABI

Prepare the script for deploying. (Note that byte code and ABI are copied from compiler output.)

$ cat deploy.js
bytecode = "0x<bytecode>"
abi = "<ABI>"
var testContract = web3.cmt.contract(abi);
var test ={
  data: bytecode,
  gas: '4700000'
}, function (e, contract){
  if (typeof contract.address !== 'undefined') {
    console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);

Enter Travis console to deploy the contract.

$ travis attach http://localhost:8545
> personal.unlockAccount(<INSURER_ACCOUNT>, '<YOUR_PASSWORD>')
> loadScript('deploy.js')
Contract mined! address: <address> transactionHash: <hash>

Interacting with the deployed contract

Insureds apply insurance by applyInsurance() with flightID as parameter. (Insurance fee is paid upon application.)

> cmt.getBalance(<INSURED_ACCOUNT>)
only enough for contract gas
> test.applyInsurance.sendTransaction(8888, {from:<INSURED_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})

The insurer updates flight information by addFlight with flightID and flight delay as parameters.

> test.addFlight.sendTransaction(123, 5, {from:<INSURER_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})

The insured apply claim by applyClaim with accountable expense as parameter.

> test.applyClaim.sendTransaction(8888000, {from:<INSURED_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})

Finally, the insurer send out compensation by sendClaim.

> test.sendClaim.sendTransaction({from:<INSURER_ACCOUNT>, gas:12345678})

Insureds can check claim status and flight information by queryStatus and queryFlight.

> test.queryFlightDelay(8888)
> test.queryClaimReceived()
> cmt.getBalance(<INSURED_ACCOUNT>)
about 5 ether