Etherfi Integration
- GET endpoint with no arguments
- Returns the relevant contracts that are directly holding WEETH
- Post endpoint with arguments blockNumber and a possibly empty list of addresses
- Returns the relevant contracts that are directly holding WEETH
- If addresses is empty, all token holders at the given block are returned
Payload example:
"blockNumber": 195685403,
"addresses": []
Result example:
The effective_balance
is provided as a floating point number.
"Result": [
"address": "0x337a3778244159f37c016196a8e1038a811a34c9",
"effective_balance": 3635.689148
Generate the ABI:
abigen --abi internal/contracts/abi/ERC20.json --pkg contracts --type Erc20 --out erc20.go
"perpAddr": "0x8f8BccE4c180B699F81499005281fA89440D1e95", <-- perpetual manager address
"poolShareTknAddr": "0xc21950e41121C2c52DC8074713514ddBAD678258", <-- share token address for the relevant pool collateralized in WEETH
"poolTknAddr" : "0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831", <-- address of the pool token (WEETH)
"poolTknDecimals": 6, <-- number of decimals of the pool token to conver the ownership to float
"rpcUrl": ["", ""] <-- RPC urls that will be used for queries