We welcome you to join us!
- Free-Hit is an open-source project, and we are excited to hear your thoughts and ideas.
- Fork this repository,add your contributions and submit a PR.
- Found a bug? Accessibility issue? Or do you want to add a new tool to our database? Then go right ahead and create an issue.
Before installation, you need to have installed/knowledge of the following:
- Fork the repository (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/free-hit.git
- change the present working directory
cd free-hit
- Open CMD in your current directory and install pnpm packages using command.[If pnpm is not installed, you can install it by clicking on this link to pnpm]
pnpm i
Run it locally using
pnpm start
- Add new tool :
Go to src > DB >
& add your code
productName: "< App_Name >",
category: "remote | resume | tweet | ai | ethical | movies | extensions | tools",
image: "< Image-Url >",
link: "< Link_to_the_website >",
description: "< Description of product >"
- To ensure that your URLs are short, it is recommended to use bitly for URL shortening.
- Description should not exceed 10-12 words
- Make changes in the project. Add, Commit and push the project using following commands:
Add all files
git add .
Commit the changes
git commit -m "Write Your commit Message"
Create a new branch
git branch -M <your-name>
Set upstream command to create a PR
git remote add upstream https://github.com/JasonDsouza212/free-hit.git
Push the branch
git push
- Make Sure you commit your changes in a new branch.
- Make Sure you Give proper name to your files describing the addition.
- Also Make Sure you comment your code wherever necessary.
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