Cookie management in WebView has been one of the top feature requests. With that, the WebView2 team has introduced a new set of APIs allowing end developers to achieve goals such as authenticating the webview session, or retrieving cookies from webview to authenticate other tools.
One can get the CookieManager
associated with a WebView to GetCookies
via a CookieList
collection, AddOrUpdateCookie
, DeleteCookies
, and DeleteAllCookies
in a WebView environment.
The following code snippet demonstrates how the cookie management APIs can be use:
This sample is meant to be used in conjunction with a script that calls"GetCookies cookiename")
and related methods. This sample is implementing the host half of the ad-hoc protocol.
ScenarioCookieManagement::ScenarioCookieManagement(AppWindow* appWindow)
: m_appWindow(appWindow), m_webView(appWindow->GetWebView())
std::wstring m_sampleUri;
// CHECK_FAILURE_AND_MESSAGE_CLIENT macro is used to signal the HTML in case of failures.
//! [CookieManager]
//! [CookieManager]
[this](ICoreWebView2* sender, ICoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs* args) {
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string uri;
// Always validate that the origin of the message is what you expect.
if (uri.get() != m_sampleUri)
return S_OK;
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string messageRaw;
std::wstring message = messageRaw.get();
std::wstring reply;
if (, 11, L"GetCookies ") == 0)
else if (, 10, L"AddOrUpdateCookie ") == 0)
message = message.substr(10);
std::wstring name = message.substr(0, message.find('='));
std::wstring value = message.substr(message.find('=') + 1);
//! [AddOrUpdateCookie]
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Cookie> cookie;
name.c_str(), value.c_str(), L"", L"/", &cookie));
reply = L"{\"CookieAddedOrUpdated\":\"Cookie added or updated successfully.\"}";
//! [AddOrUpdateCookie]
else if (, 16, L"ClearAllCookies ") == 0)
reply = L"{\"CookiesDeleted\":\"Cookies all deleted.\"}";
return S_OK;
static std::wstring CookieToString(ICoreWebView2Cookie* cookie)
//! [CookieObject]
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string name;
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string value;
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string domain;
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string path;
double expires;
BOOL httpOnly = FALSE;
std::wstring same_site_as_string;
switch (same_site)
same_site_as_string = L"None";
same_site_as_string = L"Strict";
same_site_as_string = L"Lax";
BOOL secure = FALSE;
BOOL isSession = FALSE;
std::wstring result = L"{";
result += L"\"Name\": " + EncodeQuote(name.get()) + L", " + L"\"Value\": " +
EncodeQuote(value.get()) + L", " + L"\"Domain\": " + EncodeQuote(domain.get()) +
L", " + L"\"Path\": " + EncodeQuote(path.get()) + L", " + L"\"HttpOnly\": " +
BoolToString(httpOnly) + L", " + L"\"Secure\": " + BoolToString(secure) + L", " +
L"\"SameSite\": " + EncodeQuote(same_site_as_string) + L", " + L"\"Expires\": ";
if (!!isSession)
result += L"This is a session cookie.";
result += std::to_wstring(expires);
return result + L"\"}";
//! [CookieObject]
void ScenarioCookieManagement::GetCookiesHelper(std::wstring uri)
//! [GetCookies]
if (m_cookieManager)
[this, uri](HRESULT error_code, ICoreWebView2CookieList* list) -> HRESULT {
std::wstring result;
UINT cookie_list_size;
if (cookie_list_size == 0)
result += L"No cookies found.";
result += std::to_wstring(cookie_list_size) + L" cookie(s) found on " +
uri + L".";
result += L"\n\n[";
for (int i = 0; i < cookie_list_size; ++i)
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Cookie> cookie;
CHECK_FAILURE_AND_MESSAGE_CLIENT(list->GetValueAtIndex(i, &cookie));
if (cookie.get())
result += CookieToString(cookie.get());
if (i != cookie_list_size - 1)
result += L",\n";
result += L"]";
MessageBox(nullptr, result.c_str(), L"GetCookies Result", MB_OK);
return S_OK;
//! [GetCookies]
In this scenario, the host application reads cookies from the WebView to see if the user is logged in.
Task<bool> IsUserSignedInToContoso()
CoreWebView2CookieManager cookieManager = webView.CoreWebView2.CookieManager;
List<CoreWebView2Cookie> cookieList =
await webView.CoreWebView2.CookieManager.GetCookiesAsync("");
foreach (CoreWebView2Cookie cookie in cookieList)
if (cookie.Name == "is_signed_in")
return cookie.Value == "1";
return false;
In this scenario, the host application sets the remembered user ID, so that when the user goes to contoso, their userid is pre-filled by the site.
void SetRememberedUserId(string id)
CoreWebView2CookieManager cookieManager = webView.CoreWebView2.CookieManager;
CoreWebView2Cookie cookie =
"last_userid", id, "", "/");
cookie.IsSecure = true; // disallow
In this scenario, the host application clears the remembered user ID because the user signed out of the host app.
void ClearRememberedUserId()
CoreWebView2CookieManager cookieManager = webView.CoreWebView2.CookieManager;
cookieManager.DeleteCookiesWithNameAndPath("last_userid", "", "/");
In this scenario, the host application clears all cookies not belonging to contoso. Note that List<CoreWebView2Cookie>
returned by the GetCookiesAsync
call is just a snapshot of the cookies and one should call DeleteCookies
to remove cookies.
Task ClearNonContosoCookies()
CoreWebView2CookieManager cookieManager = webView.CoreWebView2.CookieManager;
List<CoreWebView2Cookie> cookieList =
await webView.CoreWebView2.CookieManager.GetCookiesAsync(null);
foreach (CoreWebView2Cookie cookie in cookieList)
if (cookie.Domain != "") cookieManager.DeleteCookie(cookie);
In this scenario, the host application clears all cookies as part of a troubleshooter.
void ClearCookiesTroubleshooter()
CoreWebView2CookieManager cookieManager = webView.CoreWebView2.CookieManager;
See API Details section below for API reference.
interface ICoreWebView2_2;
interface ICoreWebView2Cookie;
interface ICoreWebView2CookieList;
interface ICoreWebView2CookieManager;
interface ICoreWebView2GetCookiesCompletedHandler;
/// Kind of cookie SameSite status used in the ICoreWebView2Cookie interface.
/// These fields match those as specified in
/// Learn more about SameSite cookies here:
/// None SameSite type. No restrictions on cross-site requests.
/// Lax SameSite type. The cookie will be sent with "same-site" requests, and with "cross-site" top level navigation.
/// Strict SameSite type. The cookie will only be sent along with "same-site" requests.
[uuid(20113081-93BD-4F2A-86B9-ADF92DEAAF10), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2_2 : ICoreWebView2 {
// ...
/// Gets the cookie manager object associated with this ICoreWebView2.
[propget] HRESULT CookieManager([out, retval] ICoreWebView2CookieManager** cookieManager);
/// Provides a set of properties that are used to manage an
/// ICoreWebView2Cookie.
[uuid(0AD66B3B-316F-4F54-8472-F5FF54360A60), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2Cookie : IUnknown {
/// Cookie name.
[propget] HRESULT Name([out, retval] LPWSTR* name);
/// Cookie value.
[propget] HRESULT Value([out, retval] LPWSTR* value);
/// Set the cookie value property.
[propput] HRESULT Value([in] LPCWSTR value);
/// The domain for which the cookie is valid.
/// The default is the host that this cookie has been received from.
/// Note that, for instance, "", "", and "" are
/// considered different domains.
[propget] HRESULT Domain([out, retval] LPWSTR* domain);
/// The path for which the cookie is valid. The default is "/", which means
/// this cookie will be sent to all pages on the Domain.
[propget] HRESULT Path([out, retval] LPWSTR* path);
/// The expiration date and time for the cookie as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
/// The default is -1.0, which means cookies are session cookies by default.
[propget] HRESULT Expires([out, retval] double* expires);
/// Set the Expires property. Cookies are session cookies and will not be
/// persistent if Expires is set to -1.0. NaN, infinity, and any negative
/// value set other than -1.0 is disallowed.
[propput] HRESULT Expires([in] double expires);
/// Whether this cookie is http-only.
/// True if a page script or other active content cannot access this
/// cookie. The default is false.
[propget] HRESULT IsHttpOnly([out, retval] BOOL* isHttpOnly);
/// Set the IsHttpOnly property.
[propput] HRESULT IsHttpOnly([in] BOOL isHttpOnly);
/// SameSite status of the cookie which represents the enforcement mode of the cookie.
[propget] HRESULT SameSite([out, retval] COREWEBVIEW2_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_KIND* sameSite);
/// Set the SameSite property.
/// The security level of this cookie. True if the client is only to return
/// the cookie in subsequent requests if those requests use HTTPS.
/// The default is false.
/// Note that cookie that requests COREWEBVIEW2_COOKIE_SAME_SITE_KIND_NONE but
/// is not marked Secure will be rejected.
[propget] HRESULT IsSecure([out, retval] BOOL* isSecure);
/// Set the IsSecure property.
[propput] HRESULT IsSecure([in] BOOL isSecure);
/// Whether this is a session cookie. The default is false.
[propget] HRESULT IsSession([out, retval] BOOL* isSession);
/// Creates, adds or updates, gets, or or view the cookies. The changes would
/// apply to the context of the user profile. That is, other WebViews under the
/// same user profile could be affected.
[uuid(588C8A15-A28A-4FFD-926B-5E6EE7449E7C), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2CookieManager : IUnknown {
/// Create a cookie object with a specified name, value, domain, and path.
/// One can set other optional properties after cookie creation.
/// This only creates a cookie object and it is not added to the cookie
/// manager until you call AddOrUpdateCookie.
/// Leading or trailing whitespace(s), empty string, and special characters are not allowed for name.
/// See ICoreWebView2Cookie for more details.
HRESULT CreateCookie(
[in] LPCWSTR name,
[in] LPCWSTR value,
[in] LPCWSTR domain,
[in] LPCWSTR path,
[out, retval] ICoreWebView2Cookie** cookie);
/// Creates a cookie whose params matches those of the specified cookie.
HRESULT CopyCookie(
[in] ICoreWebView2Cookie* cookieParam,
[out, retval] ICoreWebView2Cookie** cookie);
/// Gets a list of cookies matching the specific URI.
/// If uri is empty string or null, all cookies under the same profile are
/// returned.
/// You can modify the cookie objects, call
/// ICoreWebView2CookieManager::AddOrUpdateCookie, and the changes
/// will be applied to the webview.
HRESULT GetCookies(
[in] LPCWSTR uri,
[in] ICoreWebView2GetCookiesCompletedHandler* handler);
/// Adds or updates a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite
/// cookies with matching name, domain, and path if they exist.
HRESULT AddOrUpdateCookie([in] ICoreWebView2Cookie* cookie);
/// Deletes a cookie whose name and domain/path pair
/// match those of the specified cookie.
HRESULT DeleteCookie([in] ICoreWebView2Cookie* cookie);
/// Deletes cookies with matching name and uri.
/// Cookie name is required.
/// All cookies with the given name where domain
/// and path match provided URI are deleted.
HRESULT DeleteCookies([in] LPCWSTR name, [in] LPCWSTR uri);
/// Deletes cookies with matching name and domain/path pair.
/// Cookie name is required.
/// If domain is specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain.
/// If path is specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path.
HRESULT DeleteCookiesWithDomainAndPath([in] LPCWSTR name, [in] LPCWSTR domain, [in] LPCWSTR path);
/// Deletes all cookies under the same profile.
/// This could affect other WebViews under the same user profile.
HRESULT DeleteAllCookies();
/// A list of cookie objects. See ICoreWebView2Cookie.
[uuid(02F758AF-2F1C-4263-A5F8-37CA875B40D1), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2CookieList : IUnknown {
/// The number of cookies contained in the ICoreWebView2CookieList.
[propget] HRESULT Count([out, retval] UINT* count);
/// Get the cookie object at the given index.
HRESULT GetValueAtIndex([in] UINT index, [out, retval] ICoreWebView2Cookie** cookie);
/// The caller implements this method to receive the result of the
/// GetCookies method. The result is written to the cookie list provided in
/// the GetCookies method call.
[uuid(0AD3D432-69E9-4223-9CC4-460C20BDCEF5), object, pointer_default(unique)]
interface ICoreWebView2GetCookiesCompletedHandler : IUnknown {
/// Called to provide the implementer with the completion status
/// of the corresponding asynchronous method call.
HRESULT Invoke(HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2CookieList* cookieList);
namespace Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core
// ...
/// Kind of cookie SameSite status used in the CoreWebView2Cookie class.
/// These fields match those as specified in
/// Learn more about SameSite cookies here:
enum CoreWebView2CookieSameSiteKind
/// None SameSite type. No restrictions on cross-site requests.
None = 0,
/// Lax SameSite type. The cookie will be sent with "same-site" requests, and with "cross-site" top level navigation.
Lax = 1,
/// Strict SameSite type. The cookie will only be sent along with "same-site" requests.
Strict = 2,
runtimeclass CoreWebView2
/// Gets the cookie manager object associated with this CoreWebView2.
CoreWebView2CookieManager CookieManager { get; };
// ...
/// Creates, adds or updates, gets, or or view the cookies. The changes would
/// apply to the context of the user profile. That is, other WebViews under the
/// same user profile could be affected.
runtimeclass CoreWebView2CookieManager
/// Create a cookie object with a specified name, value, domain, and path.
/// One can set other optional properties after cookie creation.
/// This only creates a cookie object and it is not added to the cookie
/// manager until you call AddOrUpdateCookie.
CoreWebView2Cookie CreateCookie(String name, String value, String Domain, String Path);
/// Creates a cookie whose params matches those of the specified cookie.
CoreWebView2Cookie CopyCookie(CoreWebView2 cookie);
/// Gets a list of cookies matching the specific URI.
/// If uri is empty string or null, all cookies under the same profile are
/// returned.
/// You can modify the cookie objects, call
/// CoreWebView2CookieManager.AddOrUpdateCookie, and the changes
/// will be applied to the webview.
Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<CoreWebView2Cookie>> GetCookiesAsync(String uri);
/// Adds or updates a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite
/// cookies with matching name, domain, and path if they exist.
void AddOrUpdateCookie(CoreWebView2Cookie cookie);
/// Deletes a cookie whose name and domain/path pair
/// match those of the specified cookie.
void DeleteCookie(CoreWebView2Cookie cookie);
/// Deletes cookies with matching name and uri.
/// Cookie name is required.
/// If uri is specified, deletes all cookies with the given name where domain
/// and path match provided URI.
void DeleteCookies(String name, String uri);
/// Deletes cookies with matching name and domain/path pair.
/// Cookie name is required.
/// If domain is specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain.
/// If path is specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path.
void DeleteCookiesWithDomainAndPath(String name, String Domain, String Path);
/// Deletes all cookies under the same profile.
/// This could affect other WebViews under the same user profile.
void DeleteAllCookies();
/// Provides a set of properties that are used to manage a CoreWebView2Cookie.
runtimeclass CoreWebView2Cookie
/// Cookie name.
String Name { get; };
/// Cookie value.
String Value { get; set; };
/// The domain for which the cookie is valid.
/// The default is the host that this cookie has been received from.
/// Note that, for instance, "", "", and "" are
/// considered different domains.
String Domain { get; };
/// The path for which the cookie is valid. The default is "/", which means
/// this cookie will be sent to all pages on the Domain.
String Path { get; };
/// The expiration date and time for the cookie.
/// For .NET API, setting the Expires property to <see cref="System.DateTime.MinValue"/> makes this a session cookie, which is its default value.
/// For WinRT API, setting the Expires property to <c>null</c> makes this a Cookie that is only good for the current HTTP session and will not be persisted.
Windows.Foundation.DateTime Expires { get; set; };
/// Whether this cookie is http-only.
/// True if a page script or other active content cannot access this
/// cookie. The default is false.
Boolean IsHttpOnly { get; set; };
/// SameSite status of the cookie which represents the enforcement mode of the cookie.
/// The default is CoreWebView2CookieSameSiteKind.Lax.
CoreWebView2CookieSameSiteKind SameSite { get; set; };
/// The security level of this cookie. True if the client is only to return
/// the cookie in subsequent requests if those requests use HTTPS.
/// The default is false.
/// Note that cookie that requests CoreWebView2CookieSameSiteKind.None but
/// is not marked Secure will be rejected.
Boolean IsSecure { get; set; };
/// Whether this is a session cookie. The default is false.
Boolean IsSession { get; };
/// Converts a System.Net.Cookie to a CoreWebView2Cookie.
/// This is only for the .NET API, not the WinRT API.
static CoreWebView2Cookie FromSystemNetCookie(System.Net.Cookie systemNetCookie);
/// Converts this to a System.Net.Cookie.
/// This is only for the .NET API, not the WinRT API.
System.Net.Cookie ToSystemNetCookie(CoreWebView2Cookie coreWebView2Cookie);
// ...